~ Reflections from Our Volunteers ~
Do you know that moment when your life changes for better? When suddenly you find yourself on a path with some of the most meaningful and joyous activities you could be a part of? The volunteers at the Anastaisa Foundation do!
Below are some of our favorite experiences and memories. It’s why we signed up to volunteer, and it’s what keeps us here. We hope that you’ll become a member of the team by sharing your skills with the Anastasia Foundation too.
What It’s Like For Us:
“I am giving my attention to an organization that frees my thought instead of to one that enslaves it. This is the most humane gift I could give to myself and the world.”
“I have been on calls that last 3 hours and they’re full of jokes and so much laughter that my cheeks hurt. And, we get a lot done! Sometimes, it takes two calls to get things done, but that’s only because we have to get out all our laughs first”.
”It’s volunteering with people you don’t first have to explain yourself to.
Commitment, dedication, trust. Volunteering with Gabriel as the executive director is like a breath of fresh air when volunteering. He is incredibly attuned at getting you what you need to get your tasks done in uplifting and regenerative ways.

“I have been hosting the European community calls and some other online events for 1,5 years. It has been a great and deep experience where I met many wonderful people who have inspired me very much”.

“It has been so heart-warming for me to be welcomed into the Anastasia Foundation team. It is a very uplifting, dedicated group of people who are unified by a collective devotion to Anastasia’s radiant dream. Being a part of the team has personally amplified my own spiritual walk“.

“The great thing about volunteering here is actually knowing and feeling the people out there with the same knowledge and vision. We’re looking in the same direction and really taking steps in creating a better future”!

“It just fills my soul with an authentic joy that I haven’t felt in quite some time.
“It’s how I’m taking part in the actualization of good on the Earth”.
“The spiritual family that you are embedded into, irrevocably, is truly profound. It creates a deeper sense of connection that is hard to describe in ordinary words”!
“It’s an outlet for a desire that is hard to find an outlet for”
“We’re not always afforded an opportunity to share in such a real way what actually sets our soul aflame. The Anastasia Foundation gives one the opportunity to share that which is true for you and is true for Humanity”

“The people that I’ve made friends with in the Ringing Cedars foundation are friends for life. It’s an honour to be walking paths with such inspired and heart-led human beings”.

“Being a part of the Anastasia Foundation team is like being part of our planet. It’s so natural and brings even more meaning to my life. I feel that we are all part of one big mission, which is difficult to describe in words, more at the level of feelings. And these feelings are bright and joyful. All volunteers of the movement are real fireflies who sincerely follow the call of the heart. And I’m happy that I have the opportunity to be among them”

“I have found that my purpose in life is to be doing what I am doing — running the Anastasia Foundation. I know deep in my heart and soul that I am here to spread the message of co-creation, of happiness for all people, of paradise on earth, and the practical solutions that will take us there. There are no words to describe the deep level of fulfillment I have felt in all of these years working to spread the message of Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars. I know each day that I am doing my best to do God’s will, to fulfill God’s wishes for mankind. I have made so many dear friends, and assembled a worldwide spiritual family. I know that I have done something good with my life, and I have made a mark on this Earth. And I am extremely happy to know that others have benefited from my work, that I have touched the lives of other people, and helped them in some way.
God needs our help in turning this Earth into the paradise described in the Ringing Cedars series. He needs to act through us, in order to make that happen. When we become willing participants in the Divine plan, our lives become filled with a wonderful inner contentment that no words can describe. It is a thrilling thing to be involved in co-creation in this way. If you feel called to join us, I invite you with open arms. You will be greeted by a warm, deeply loving, incredible spiritual family. I am honored to serve alongside each one of our team members.
My life has been enriched beyond my wildest dreams by serving God in this way. This is the purpose of my entire life, and always will be, until the earth is full of Kin’s Domains and everyone is happy.“

We look forward to you joining us!
Agata Janik, Anastasia Light, Ariane Telishewsky, Elizabeth Erkel, Gabriel Miguel, Rachel McCarty, Svetlana Rezko, Svetlana Semina, Taylor Marie, Vlad Levchenko, Wesley Wittkamper, Winston Jungwoon Whang, Wyatt Gober.
Below are 3 of the positions we are looking for now.
- Video Editor
- Shorts Video Creator
- Website Events Manger
Click HERE to see the full list and descriptions
Story written by Elizabeth Erkel, Community Outreach Coordinator