We are supporting the growth of the international Ringing Cedars movement — your support of our work is deeply appreciated.

By completing this form your gift is conveyed as Lawful money [per 12 USC 411 where applicable].

The Anastasia Foundation is building the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement in the English-speaking world by connecting, inspiring, and empowering Ringing Cedars readers.

We offer as many programs, events, online platforms, and content for free as we possibly can. We are a volunteer-run organization. Our team is full of passionate Ringing Cedars readers who want to see flourishing Kin’s Domains and happy families across the planet. If you appreciate our work, please consider supporting us financially.

How Is My Gift Used?
Your generous gift is used for:

  • Building, maintaining and expanding our online platforms and presence
  • In-person reader’s gatherings, events and meetups
  • Media costs (graphic design, video editing, etc.)
  • Web technology infrastructure costs
  • Travel costs for speaking at events and conferences
  • Social media advertising and promotional costs
  • Funding the creation of Ringing Cedars content: videos, podcasts, articles
  • Staff and volunteer costs
  • And much more!

Your gift makes a difference!

Mail Us a Gift

You can mail us at:

Anastasia Foundation, SSM
6 Liberty Square
Suite 96304
Boston, Massachusetts 02109-9998

Please make out all checks to Anastasia Foundation, SSM as well, thank you!

Make a Cryptocurrency Gift
Bitcoin: 3EXFwdj7vDYgUG1ZULMoTiWpCuunN6x83a

Ethereum: 0x62629BFB6c71a5B75C0EAa3CbE8Fe6aF2e5bA77e

Joy and bright thoughts to you!

Discover Our Work

Our most recent Anastasia Foundation Fundraising Deck, which covers all the aspects of our work in detail. Download the Deck.

From the Founder

Dear friend,

I want to personally thank you for being on this site and reading this.

My name is Gabriel Miguel.

Since 2014, I have been working as hard as I can, with the collaboration of many dear friends and team members, to help connect and inspire Ringing Cedars readers in North America and the English-speaking world.

Your financial support is truly appreciated from the bottom of my heart. It enables me and my team to do more for this community that we so love.

Everything you see on all of our websites was built by me, for the benefit of readers everywhere.

The only thing I ask, is if our work has impacted or inspired you, to please consider giving a gift  as a way of expressing your thanks and support.

The divine friends I’ve made, the many emails I’ve received, and all the beautiful smiling faces I’ve seen over the years of doing this work have blessed my life tremendously. I’m truly grateful to be able to serve you all, and to serve alongside my team.

Your support is a gift from God. Thank you for being a part of this.

God bless us all in transforming this world into the pristine flourishing garden it is destined to be, and creating happy families everywhere.

Joy and bright thoughts to you, Co-Creator of a splendid new world,
Gabriel Miguel, and the Anastasia Foundation team

“In helping others to succeed I shall find my own prosperity. In the welfare of others I shall find my own well-being.”
– Paramhansa Yogananda

More Frequently Asked Questions

How is my gift conveyed securely?
Anastasia Foundation uses appropriate industry-standard encryption for transmission of credit card information to help keep your information secure, accurate, current and complete.

All transactions are SSL protected. Stripe is a PCI Service Provider Level 1, which is the highest grade of payment processing security.

How is my data used by Anastasia Foundation?
We do not trade, sell, lease, or rent email addresses to any outside organizations. If you choose to receive our emails, we will use this information to administer the e-mail lists and to track user interests. We may also use it to verify that you are an Anastasia Foundation gift giver.

Your address and email information are used to process transactions, protect you against credit card fraud and contact you to provide you with a gift receipt for tax purposes.

Can I cancel my monthly gift?
Yes, by following the link in the email you received after your gift was processed. Please look for that and follow the instructions provided.