We are, in all ways, completely dedicated to God’s, Abba’s, Divine timeline. We step on the gas, breaks and put ourselves in neutral as Infinite Intelligence ignites our inspirations. Abba is putting things in order for us. As we have more to report, readers of the Joyful Walk Newsletter, YOU,
will be among the first to know! Thank you for reading! 🟢 Where to buy the Ringing Cedars 3rd edition books in PDF
The official website of the Megre Family, MegreLLC.com has recently made for sale for a cost of around $80 USD the entire set of Vladimir Megre’s 3rd edition books. This is the edition that he worked to have translated by his own translator, was released after the 1st and 2nd editions from the Ringing Cedars Press from the mid 2000s, and is the only edition he recognizes as an authorized English translation. This edition was never printed and sold in a hard copy format, however, after your purchase you may utilize a pdf to print printing company such as prestophoto.com (we have no endorsement, this is just a familiar site that has been recommended and used by readers) for a hard copy. Click HERE to order. 🟢 Ringing Cedars Community iPhone & Android App 🟢 New International Kin’s Domain Directory 🟢 Land Patents Services in collaboration with AMG 🟢 Distributing Siberian Cedar Nut Oils 🟢 Ringing Cedars Series Re-Publishing 🟢 Kin’s Domain Settlement Templates 🟢 Russia-America Exchange Events 🟢 Interviews with like-hearted Influencers and Ringing Cedars readers 🟢 Upkeep with Social Media platforms: Youtube, facebook (and facebook ads), Odysee, Telegram, Community Platform |