Uncover (What’s Happened) Special announcements!
Inspirations – a quote from the books & special features from our global community Live Discussions, Call Replays, Interviews with Our Global Community In-Person Meetup Stories Any Milestones We Have Reached |
Discover (What’s happening) Event List: Live Online Discussions,
Meditations & Connection Calls Regional In-Person Meetup Details The Anastasia Foundation &
the Global Community at Work Calls to Service –
how might you serve? |
Two days ago, we welcomed in the 9th Month (Moon) of the Harmonic 13month 28day calendar. This month we are invited to reflect on the question: “How do I obtain my purpose?” We invite you to reflect on this with us over the next cycle. |
This Joyful Walk newsletter comes to you on Gammaday (Thursday), the 3rd day of the 9th month – just after the full moon. The next one is set for the New Moon 9/15 (march 21st) just after the Equinox. |
This month (moon) The Solar Moon of Intention, asks us to reflect on attaining our purpose. This quote from the Chapter “Star Woman” may help us in our collective contemplation by opening us up to the past of all people. May we connect to the water closest to us be it snow, rain, springs, puddles, lakes, seas or oceans.
~Good energy to your thoughts!
Elizabeth, Community Outreach Coordinator, Anastasia Foundation
| -Book 1, 3rd Edition Page 93-94: “Star Woman”
“… But the Water knows about the past of all people. It has in it information about everyone and everything that has ever happened in the universe. And it is helping me see this. When I’m in the water in the middle of the lake and I think, it thinks with me and searches for the right scenes. It even scans everything happening on all the planets, because it is everywhere.
The stars are reflected in the lake, and the stars are reflected in my eyes, and at that moment we are one. All the information of the universe becomes accessible to Man, for at that moment he feels like a tiny part of the Universe. The Universe rejoices when Man feels like a tiny part of it and is ready to serve him, to turn what Man has contemplated into a reality.” |
Our Inspired works come to you from our new Social Media Manager, Taylor, and her beautiful memes.
Please enjoy this selection from our Instagram, as we know that many of you choose not access those outlets. |
| Join Ariane for an incredible, immersive guided Kin’s Domain visualization experience.
These calls are deeply transformative for everyone who joins.
Together we join once a month for a live global guided imagery call. We co-create living imagery of all life in it’s pure, pristine state: humans, earth, air, water, and animals. We also envision the planet thriving with kins domains and harmonious settlements. Please ensure your space of envisioning is as peaceful and quiet as possible. Event details can be found here: https://anastasiausa.land/events/ |
Kin’s Domain Economics & Funding | Jonah Wittkamper Interview
Hands down one of the most necessary interviews of the year!
Incredibly informative on the economic front for the Ringing Cedars Movement & insights into the Future of the Global Economy.
▸ In this interview:
A mind-expanding and paradigm shifting conversation on funding the Kin’s Domain dream. You will have so many new ideas about how to fund Kin’s Domains and Settlements by the end of this interview!
How Kin’s Domains fit into the emerging economic system of the world and how to capitalize on the opportunities
An understanding of the worldwide shift towards sustainability in business
Many different strategies for how to fund Kin’s Domains and Settlements
Tips for successfully pitching donors for Kin’s Domain Settlement funding
and so much more
▸ Our Guest:
Our guest today is Jonah Wittkamper, my (Gabriel) dear friend and mentor. Jonah is Co-Founder and President of NEXUS, the Amazon Investor Coalition (AIC), and the Healthy Democracy Coalition (HDC). NEXUS is a global movement of over 6000 young people from 70 countries dedicated to bridging communities of wealth and impact. The AIC advances forest friendly economic development of the Amazon region of South America.The HDC connects funders to collaborate on US policy. The various networks involve people from many of the world’s most philanthropic families. Jonah Wittkamper has organized global networks of young philanthropists for more than a decade, inspiring new charitable activity from many wealthy families. |
▸ In this Interview:
The first in a series I hope to continue in the future, “Kin’s Domain Interviews”, where we speak with people who are really living life on their Kin’s Domains and get to hear their stories, experiences, and insights.
Galina’s story and how she found her way to her life on her Kin’s Domain
The very magical way she met her husband, Vadim
Successes from life on her Kin’s Domain
Beautiful aspects from life on a Domain
Raising children on your Domain
Connecting with your land
Writing in your Book of Kin
and much more!
▸ Our guest:
Galina Karabinskaya lives with her husband Vadim and their children in the most northern Kin’s Domain Settlement in Russia, “Karelskoe Zalesie”. This is the only Kin’s Domain Settlement in the Republiс of Karelia (to the north of St. Petersburg). Karelia is a region that extends between Russia, Sweden and Finland. It is a territory of ancient history, home of the Karelians, people of northern Europe. Galina is an online English teacher, and currently they have two children, with the 3rd on the way!
Galina’s husband Vadim started the Settlement 15 years ago, and Galina joined him later. Vadim is a blogger — the first and largest Ringing Cedars blogger in Russia — the creator and director of 2 films about Russian Kin’s Domains (2 films in 9 parts), and the author of several books related to the Ringing Cedars of Russia. Galina is the main support and inspiration for Vadim.
They run a traditional education camp for boys and girls. There, boys learn how to defend themselves, sports, folk games, singing, dancing etc. For girls – the basic skills of sewing, weaving, gathering herbs, cooking, folk singing and dancing, etc.
This video didn’t make it into the Raising Ringing Cedars Children newsletter last time, so it is being included now!
▸ In this video:
This is the presentation I (Gabriel) gave at Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan’s Luminous Education Revolution event in August of 2022. This presentation was incredibly well received. I took everything Anastasia, her grandfathers, Vladimir, and Mikhail Shchetinin said about education throughout the entire Ringing Cedars series and condensed it down to a 40 slide presentation. For Ringing Cedars readers and non-readers alike, this video will help you understand Anastasia & the Ringing Cedars perspective on education.
▸ Get the Training:
I was honored to be a speaker at Dr. Edith’s “Luminous Education Revolution” event. I believe she has put together perhaps the best educational training in the English language.
If you are working to co-create the New Civilization on Earth, if you are a parent or aspiring parent, or if you are hungry for personal growth and development, I believe you’ll find the content inside the Luminous Education Revolution training invaluable.
Get the Luminous Education training here: http://www.luminousrevolution.com/Gab…
Please welcomeContent Manager
Rachel answered our posting for a Blog Post Volunteer and will be managing it’s content on the Foundation’s Website and more! She lives on a beautiful piece of land in the Ozarks, (Missouri, USA) with her two young children and is aspiring towards an abundant forest garden in her domain. She dreams of the day her kids are grown and living beautifully in a space that fully provides for them. Please click on her name linked above to connect on the community platform. We are so happy to have her. |
Please welcomeSvetlana RezkoRussian to English Translator
Born and raised in Moldova and now living in California, USA with her husband, children and furry friends, Svetlana reached out to us via the volunteer page after searching for Kins Domains online and will be translating Russian to English for us. She found the Ringing Cedars books about 1 year ago and dreams that one day she and her family will be able to create a successful eco-village settlement based on Anastasia’s principles and become a great example for the rest of the world. We are excited to have her join our team! |
More Milestones:
🟢 Completed! Watch out on youtube and social media outlets for the following discussions with like-hearted Influencers and Ringing Cedars readers! - Anastasia Foundation Podcasts:
- Ariane, Wyatt, and Gabriel discussing family lines, relations, and connection to Land.
- Agata Janik and Gabriel discussing the inward spiritual path.
- Robert William from AMG and Gabriel discussing law, sovereignty, building strong local economies and communities
🟢 Land Patents Services in collaboration with AMG
Please visit https://anastasia.foundation/land-patent-assistance/. if you would like help bringing forward your land patent and have allodial (supreme) title to your land from the best team in the USA!
🟢 Upkeep with Social Media platforms: Youtube, facebook (and facebook ads), Odysee, Telegram, TikTok, Community Platform
Taylor, our Social Media Content Creator is killing it! lol Please connect with our Instagram and TikTok to see the most recent posts, however, facebook and other platforms are on the list to be posted to as well! |
Live Online Community Call with Gabriel. 4pm EST
SUN 03/19
Live Guided Imagery Meditation & Discussion with Ariane.
2:45pm EST
(entry closes at 3pm EST)
SAT 03/12
Live Online Meditation with Agata.
6pm CET (Berlin Time) |
TUE 03/21
Live Online Discussion with Wyatt. 8pm EST
SUN 04/02
Live Online Community Call – Europe
with Agata.
4pm CET (Berlin Time)
MON 04/03
Live Online Discussion with Ariane
Book 8.1 Part 2 (2nd half)
8pm EST
TUE 04/04
Live Online Discussion with Wyatt. 8pm EST
SUN 04/16
Live Guided Imagery Meditation & Discussion with Ariane.
2:45pm EST
(entry closes at 3pm EST)
TUE 04/18
Live Online Discussion with Wyatt. 8pm EST
SUN 04/30
Live Online Community Call – Europe
with Agata. 4pm CET (Berlin Time)
The First Official Northern California Meetup! March 17-19th
Where: On the property of a Ringing Cedars reader, located in the Humboldt Forest near Willow Creek which the owner hopes to develop into a kin’s settlement.
Details: We are scheduling the meeting Friday night-Sunday since the location will take some of us a day to get to. However, the main part of the meeting will likely be Saturday afternoon, so that readers located closer may drive to the property and back in a day.
Accommodations: There is one wood-stove-heated yurt with one bed, but readers can bring pads and camp on the floor. There are spots for tents, and tents are being provided by the event organizer. Otherwise, hotels are available Willow Creek.
Contact: Alexander Audet, The Northern California Ambassador via Telelgram |
🟢 Ringing Cedars Community iPhone & Android App
In general, once the next round of funding comes through, we want to move forward on this. We consider it very important to have this in place before we release book 1, so definitely expect it before then. We regret that the timeline isn’t clearer, but it will move forward.
🟢 New International Kin’s Domain Directory
More serious plans are starting for this project because other higher priority items (necessary to make this one realized) are tended to. This will definitely need to be in place before we release book 1, so expect this as well. 🟢 Distributing Siberian Cedar Nut Oils
Nothing new to report.
Last update: This is currently on hold. Good news is, we will be offering other Ringing Cedars related products in the very near future! There’s a BIG project about to be launched soon. Stay tuned for more news.
🟢 Ringing Cedars Series Re-Publishing
Moving forward! Great things require time, and Anastasia has told us that even all delays and obstacles will ultimately serve the Good. Gabriel is trying to do a world-class job with these books, and that requires time, but the wait will surely be worth it.
🟢 Kin’s Domain Settlement Templates
Nothing new to report.
Last Update: Gabriel has completed the first half of the proposal deck and the team will be reviewing it and planning for the second half of the deck. We’re not too far away from a powerful, effective final product.
🟢 Russia-America Exchange Events - Future events include an event with people who lead tours to the Dolmens in Russia and have lots of experience with them, and also famous Bards from Russia.
- Our collaboration event with AMG, Robert William and Ron Gibson, will likely take place in April. We are confirming some wonderful speakers from Russia at the moment!
Volunteer Opportunities:
Please click HERE to view the Anastasia Foundation’s current needs
Regional Ambassador Program:
Please join Gabriel’s monthly community calls to connect with him and let him know you’re interested!
Submit your Anastasia Inspired Content!
This is by far one of the most important things you may do to help the movement. Create beautiful inspired artwork, poetry, & songs and share it with the world. Through feelings of awe at your work, bright feelings are established within and that is the surest way to instill new images into the hearts and minds of Man.
Click HERE to submit and we may reach out to you to feature it in an upcoming entry of The Joyful Walk!
Click HERE to watch the official release video on the submitting your content.
Donate! Click HERE to give a one-time or Recurring Gift
Add yourself to the Ringing Cedars Couch Surfing List (Domain Surfing!). The idea of Couch Surfing is a fabulous idea, so lets extend it to our community where you know that you wont have to explain yourself to your guests before jumping into amazing conversations about a pristine world filled with happy families!? Lots of readers are traveling and looking for their spaces of love. If you have space to host and are exited to meet other readers, then this is your resource for connection!
Fill out THIS FORM to add yourself
Click HERE to view our community’s couches!
We’d love your feedback!
If you have feedback about or something you’d like to see in The Joyful Walk newsletter please email elizabeth@anastasia.foundation |
Newsletter Created by:
Elizabeth Erkel (Click to see my community Profile)
Community Outreach Coordinator |
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