2nd Bi-Weekly Newsletter 📰 & Entry into the People’s Book 📗From the Anastasia Foundation: The Joyful Walk 🌻

by | Dec 20, 2022 | The People's Book

(Please join our mailing list to see the full entry along with all the pictures and artwork)


(What’s Happened)
✨ A Featured Inspirational Quote.
✨ A Co-Creation Story or Artwork from the greater community
✨ Links to Live Discussion and Connection Call Replays.
✨ In-Person Meetup Recaps!
✨ Foundation Accomplishments
✨ Greater Community Accomplishments



(What’s happening)
✨ Upcoming Live Discussions
✨ Upcoming Connection Calls
✨ Upcoming In-Person Meetups & Readers’ Groups Scheduling.
✨ Anastasia Foundation projects that are upcoming and/or already underway.
✨ Projects from the greater community
✨ Calls to Service

Uncover Header Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation

Featured Quote for Reflection Complete Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia FoundationInspirational Quote:

-Book 6, Chapter 6 “People have gone to the Moon, but only by wasting valuable resources and energies and with great harm to the Earth. But they have changed nothing on the Moon. There is another approach which is much more effective. Through thought alone it is possible to grow a flower on the moon, create an atmosphere capable of supporting human life, plant a garden there and find one’s self with one’s beloved in that garden in the flesh. But before that can happen, thought must transform the whole Earth into a flourishing garden. And that has to be done through collective thinking”

Artwork Header Image CompleteV3 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation

Inspired Works, A Story:

Awakening: A New Earth Takes Birth A Story By: Manu Sharma A mother in Russia explains to her young daughter why everything is about to change for good. “….A large garden with young fruit trees (some bearing fruit), creatively positioned flower beds, vegetable beds, vines, a hedge, shrubs, pathways and tree grooves that are just starting to get dense. A stable and a round paddock is seen next to a small house with gable roof made of wood shingles. Hexagonal gazebo stands in the middle of garden. Bird songs can be heard. Bees buzz. A dog lies about. Mother is picking berries while daughter approaches from behind…” Read Now…

Kin’s Domain Design Replay Links

11/29/2022 – Join the Millions



Readers all over the globe are meeting in person!
NewYork RCTHNKSG Meetup Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation

New York, USA; November 2022, Thanksgiving Day Meetup

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 The Ozarks, MO November 2022

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At Jim Gale’s Food Forest Abundance Center, Galt’s Landing, Florida, USA, September 2022

photo 2022 12 11 13.52.47 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation photo 2022 12 11 13.52.52 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation  photo 2022 12 11 14.28.47 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundationphoto 2022 12 11 14.28.41 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation photo 2022 12 11 14.28.45 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation photo 2022 12 11 13.52.55 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation  photo 2022 12 11 14.28.51 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation photo 2022 12 11 14.28.55 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation photo 2022 12 11 14.28.59 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation
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Ananda Village, Yuba River + Venice; California, USA; June & July 2022

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Please celebrate with us the completion of our Project Milestones

  • Live Messaging on the Community Platform! Users can send and receive messages in real time, without refreshing their browser. You can also see a status indicator of when someone is online or not. And you can see the “John is typing…” message when someone is typing to you. It’s going to make messaging way more fluid and engaging for everyone. Works on PC and mobile devices!
  •  Ringing Cedars Community iPhone & Android App Talked with the app developers and got a sense of the work required and customization needed.
  •  Land Patents Services The AMG team and Ron Gibson are on board, and we’ve created the web page! Will be sharing with everyone soon once it’s finalized.
  • Easier Access to Cedar Nut Oils We found a third party warehouse/shipping partner and are getting ready to bring over our first shipment.
  • Professional Templates to help you start a settlement A group of dedicated readers first met in May of 2022 and formed a self-governing circle according to the Dynamic Governance / Sociocratic model (which is a modern take on Veche Self-governacne as told by Anastasia’s grandfather to Vladimir). We named our circle the SPCC / Settlement Proposal Creation Circle and wrote our vision, mission and aims. Please read them below. Our latest meeting was on 12/10/22 – please read more under the Discover portion of the newsletter! Our vision is to live in a world where thriving Kin’s Domains & Settlements abound. Our mission is to make the process of starting, creating and living in a Kins Domain & Settlement a seamless and successful process full of joy and reduced hardships for all who want to start and live in one. Our aim is to assist the English-speaking people of the Earth to plan and build Kin’s Domain Settlements that will thrive by creating proven Settlement Proposal Templates for them to utilize to kick-off their Settlement Creation process.

Discover Header Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation


You’re Invited! – Watch for the day-of announcement emails with login information for each meeting.

  • 12/20 Kin’s Domain Design Discussion with Wyatt. Tuesday Dec 20th; 8pm EST
  • 01/02 Book 7 Chpts 1-14 Live Discussion with Ariane. Monday Jan 02 8pm EST
  • 01/03 Kin’s Domain Design Discussion with Wyatt. Tuesday Jan 03 8pm EST
  • 01/08 Live Online EUROPE Community Call with Agata. Sunday Jan 8th 4pm CET (Berlin)
  • 01/15 Live Online Community Call with Gabriel. Sunday Jan 15th 4pm EST
  • Live Guided Imagery Meditation & Discussion with Ariane. TBD Watch out for a separate notice Sunday TBD 2:45pm EST (entry closes at 3pm EST)




Readers in the greater community are meeting up all the time! If you’re meeting up, please email your details to elizabeth@anastasia.foundation or connect with me on telegram or the community platform, so we may help you spread the word.  



We enjoy keeping you current on the status of our main projects…

  • Ringing Cedars Community iPhone & Android App Still collecting funding. Planning for a release sometime in 2023.
  • Land Patents Services The webpage we created is being reviewed to make sure we’re accurately expressing what the offering is. We should be publishing this shortly.
  • Easier Access to Cedar Nut Oils The website is under development but we’re placing our first order with the Megre company soon. Expect cedar oil sales to begin by the end of Q1 2023!
  • Book Publishing Proceeding forward. Lots of things to take care of before the publishing of the first book. Hoping to have the first book done by the end of 2023 certainly, things may proceed faster or slower than that. Our priority is doing high-quality work, so we are not rushing, even though we’d like to get everything done as soon as we can.
  • Professional Templates to help you start a settlement The Settlement Proposal Creation Circle (SPCC) is currently researching and looking at credible resources to show the current crisis with the world’s families, raising of children, access to clean water, production of and access to quality food and homes. The Kins Domain solution will be outlined backed up with facts, statistics & credible sources and will be presented in a beautiful slideshow presentation. This is part one (1) of the proposal template. We will then work on expanding all the aspects of creating a settlement and will have a final product (a template) ready for people to customize when they’re ready to start their own settlement.



Featured ways in which may you help the movement

  • Volunteer Opportunities: Please click HERE to view the Anastasia Foundation’s current needs
  • Regional Ambassador Program: Please join Gabriel’s monthly community calls to connect with him and let him know you’re interested!
  • Submit your Anastasia Inspired Content! This is by far one of the most important things you may do to help the movement. Create beautiful inspired artwork, poetry, & songs and share it with the world. Through feelings of awe at your work, bright feelings are established within and that is the surest way to instill new images into the hearts and minds of Man. Click HERE  to submit and we may reach out to you to feature it in an upcoming entry of The Joyful Walk!
  • Donate! Click HERE  to give a one-time or Recurring Gift
  • Add yourself to the Ringing Cedars Couch Surfing List (Domain Surfing!). The idea of Couch Surfing is a fabulous idea, so lets extend it to our community where you know that you wont have to explain yourself to your guests before jumping into amazing conversations about a pristine world filled with happy families!? Lots of readers are traveling and looking for their spaces of love. If you have space to host and are exited to meet other readers, then this is your resource for connection! Fill out THIS FORM  to add yourself Click HERE to view our community’s couches!
  • We’d love your feedback! If you have feedback about or something you’d like to see in The Joyful Walk newsletter please email elizabeth@anastasia.foundation

  • The Joyful Walk Newsletter is Created by: Elizabeth Erkel (Click to see my community Profile) Community Outreach Coordinator 🌻


  • Joy and bright thoughts to you, Co-Creator of a splendid new world! Gabriel Miguel (Click to see my community Profile) Founder & Executive Director 🌲 Anastasia Foundation

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