[Aug. 13-14] Land Patented Kin’s Domain Settlements | Anastasia Foundation + American Meeting Group collaboration event!

by | May 19, 2022 | Ringing Cedars Events

Big news! We’ve just confirmed the dates (Aug. 13-14) for our collaboration event with the American Meeting Group, featuring Robert William and Ron Gibson, the greatest living expert on land patents!

Land patents are the ultimate tool to maintaining your sovereignty and freedom on your land, and passing down your land in perpetuity to your descendants. (USA only).

It will be a two day online event. Day 1 will feature Robert and Ron speaking on all aspects of law and land patents.

Day 2, we will be speaking all about Kin’s Domains; the philosophy and consciousness behind them, how to successfully start your own, how to create settlements, transitioning from city life to Kin’s Domain life, and so much more.

We will have several speakers from Russia who are:

  • Founders of large, successful Kin’s Domain settlements
  • Families living on their Kin’s Domains for many years, and are part of a settlement
  • People who have visited and experienced many settlements across Russia

More details coming soon! Mark your calendar for August 13-14th!

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