✅ Meet other passionate Ringing Cedars across Europe! Meet new people near you!
✅ Openly discuss the Ringing Cedars books & ideas
✅ Share & hear stories and experiences
✅ Enjoy a time of spiritual fellowship with other Ringing Cedars readers
✅ Leave the call inspired and uplifted!
There’s always a great group of folks on and the discussion is a blast (most people don’t want the calls to end). This is a space where you can speak freely, be among like-minds, and feel comfortable. Feels like home. Come join your spiritual family!
We like to have everyone share their location — you may meet someone close to you!
You can bring questions, topics, experiences, and more that you would like to discuss with the group!
Meeting ID: 823 9477 4659
Passcode: 282265
ZOOM Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82394774659?pwd=a2ZQRHVDam5xVDFNTzNWdHdTQnNBUT09