The time is now to create a world full of free and happy families.
We already have all the answers: Love, Land, and Law.
We’re bringing together some of the best law minds in The United States of America , and some of the most knowledgeable and inspiring Kin’s Domain creators from Russia
to give you all the knowledge and experience you need to have the best chance for successfully living freely, happily, and prosperously on your land.

Without making the Law your friend, you are always vunerable to someone infringing on you and your family’s freedom.
Without the Way of Life (Kin’s Domains), the Law can’t be used to its maximum benefit, and our world won’t become the flourishing Paradise garden it is meant to be, full of happy families.
In this two day event, on August 13th and 14th, you will learn from masters on both subjects.
You will be provided with access to the knowledge you need to live a free, happy, and successful life, in harmony with God and Nature, with a happy family, on your own piece of the beautiful Earth we are intended to be stewards of.

This event is a collaboration between the Anastasia Foundation and the American Meeting Group.
Day 1: The Law – Sacred Stewardship & Land Patents
8 hours of content!

“A Warranty Deed is not a Title to your land, and never will be. If you look closely you may be surprised to discover you think you’re an owner, but you’re only listed as a tenant. The only true Title to your land is a Land Patent, which finally makes you the true land owner with the unalienable rights granted by God and protected by the Constitutions.”
– Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
“What You Need To Know About Land Patents”
…and the bundle of unalienable rights that come with one!
Ron Gibson is a former US Marine and Vietnam veteran, currently working as a professional land consultant having over 50 years of career experience in Land Patents, on the subjects of Mineral Rights, Water Rights, Right of Way and Land Rights. He currently serves as Vice President of the South West Oregon Mining Association and is the chairman of the Jefferson Mining District; the largest mining district in The United States. During his career, Ron has often been called as an expert witness for defending land patents in court; successfully debating attorneys, judges, and even the U.S. Department of Justice.
An author on land rights and property taxes, Ron also teaches campus classes on Constitutional Law, Mining Law and Land Patents. He proves that a Land Patent is your actual paramount permanent root title to your land; so superior that the very foundation of The United States of America is made of them. No one can tax, regulate, trespass, or encumber your land when you hold a valid Land Patent, as it was the intent and purpose of the Founding Mothers and Founding Fathers to ensure that even the poorest farmer could never be separated from their land by bankers, politicians, or attorneys.
Ron loves history, and has a lifelong experience in cattle and horses which have also served him well in his land operations and tackling many of the issues facing Americans today. Ron Gibson likely to be the best land patent historian, teacher, defender, enforcer and land patent services provider left alive today.
You will learn how to bring forward the land patent on your land. Ron will also be gearing his talk towards having entire Kin’s Domain Settlements under a land patent. You don’t want to miss this!
“A Warranty Deed is not a Title to your land, and never will be. If you look closely you may be surprised to discover you think you’re an owner, but you’re only listed as a tenant. The only true Title to your land is a Land Patent, which finally makes you the true land owner with the unalienable rights granted by God and protected by the Constitutions.”
– Ron Gibson

Robert William
“The Picture On The Puzzle Box”
Stewarding Your Land and Property With Sacred Honor
Over the last 8 years Robert has immersed himself into the pursuit of knowledge around spirituality, history, law, history of law, rights, titles and interests.
Robert takes us from the beginning of Creation where there was only clarity, and moves us through history up to the present day where there is almost nothing but confusion and deception.
From all of his experiences, Robert has assembled a paradigm shift he calls The Picture On The Puzzle Box intended to better immunize ourselves from the psychological warfare and political ideologies which are so pervasive today.
This presentation will help you see how all these puzzle pieces merge into a complete picture of where we came from, how we got here, and what we should be doing to restore Sacred Honor. There are a lot of teachers out there teaching pieces and sections of the puzzle confronting us, and putting it all together is confusing. For most people it feels overwhelming to understand how all this fits together in a practical, global, historical, legal, lawful and spiritual way, especially for those who are newer to studying this subject.
Robert intends to provide his presentation which he hopes can help clarify your understanding of the big picture from the top down, and from the beginning to today, …and into our future.
Robert is Co-Founder of the American Meeting Group.
The Event Trust Indenture
Our Trust Relations
About the Private Trust Created
This meeting is granted by American Meeting Group (AMG) and the Anastasia Foundation (AF) and stewarded through the private trust
relations we create together, and, which are needed to make this meeting possible for our members. You must accept these trust relations in order to become a member of the trust and to support the events and benefit from them.
Because this event is non-commercial, and instead a private trust, there are no products or services offered for sale, no refunds, no purchases, and no payments; this is simply because those things are all commercial actions and our trust relations are private. This is critical.
We are all exchanging lawful gifts and honor with eachother under trust to ensure the events succeed.
When you have granted and conveyed your gift, iTVGroup accepts it as lawful money only [per 12 USC 411 where applicable] for the American
Meeting Group, the Anastasia Foundation, and all of the presenters under the AMG1 or AF2 private trusts.
In honor of your support, and as a participating member of the trust, you will be provided with optional online attendance, and anything created or shared during the event.
Your gift can only be returned to you if:
- The event is canceled and not rescheduled within 4 months, or,
- If a similar recent event replay and documents are not providedfor you as a substitute.
Examples of exceptions are:
- Accidentally granting duplicate gifts
- All other requests are granted at the sole discretion of AMG or AF.
*If you decide that your gift should be returned to you, Please DO NOT contact PayPal to intervene. When you do this you convert PayPal from a custodian of the private trust property (your gift to the trust) into a 3rd party commercial intervenor and it is considered dishonor and a breach of the private trust we all established together.
The event trustees (AMG and AF) are exposed to the possibility of technical interference which are outside of their control, and outside of their ability to defend against. As a result the event trustees will do everything they can do in the event of any technical interference to restore connectivity, and keep the event moving to it’s conclusion. The event trustees reserve the right to reschedule the event if deemed required by the event trustees. Therefore technical difficulty or rescheduling is not cause to return trust property granted to support the completion of these events for our members and beneficiaries of the trust. Thank you for your grace, patience and understanding.
With respect and gratitude,
The event trustees
American Meeting Group
Anastasia Foundation
Registration & Gift Info
Minimum Gift Required
$51.75 per Attendee, per event – includes $1.75 PayPal fee
After granting your gift, it becomes trust property for the benefit of putting on the events for everyone participating, and cannot be returned to you with it being a mistaken duplicate gift.
All presenters and speaking times are subject to change at the discretion of the event trustees.
If for any reason the event cannot be delivered, it will be rescheduled in a reasonable amount of time, or other actions will be taken by the event trustees to restore the honor to the trust relations.
With our sincere gratitude and respect,
American Meeting Group Trustees
Anastasia Foundation Trustees
Do I have to have PayPal?
Do I have to Have PayPal to Grant a Gift?
You do not have to have a PayPal account in order to grant your gift. PayPal is just being used to process the credit and debit cards of our members.
If you have a Debit or Credit card to grant your gift, you can just click the “Donate with Credit or Debit Card” button. Its a white button with a thin blue border around it, on the bottom of the page under the yellow button.
If you do have a PayPal account, you can just click their yellow “Donate with PayPal” button after entering your gift amount into their page.
* This event is a private, non-commercial, and non-political event.
* Events are provided by a mutual exchange of lawful gifts and honor only.
* Gift granted & conveyed as lawful money only [per 12 USC 411 where applicable]
Day 1
The Law – Sacred Stewardship and Land Patents
- Event Replays of Day 1: The Law
- Lifetime access
- Replay link emailed to you immediately
Days 1+2
Complete Package
- Lifetime access to both Day 1 and Day 2 event replays
- Replay links emailed to you immediately
To register for both days, click the “Grant Gift” button on each day.
*Due to this event being a combined event between two seperate membership groups (AMG & AF), it requires seperate registrations.
Granting your gift is acceptance of the trust indenture expressed above.
Day 2: The Way of Life – Kin’s Domains & Kin’s Domain Settlements
8 hours of content!
From Gabriel: For this event, we thought it would be best to invite our dear Russian brothers and sisters to share their experience with us. Since the Kin’s Domain movement has decades of development in Russia, and since it’s still in its relative infancy in North America and abroad, we feel that the Russian experiences would be our best guiding light.
We are blessed to be connected with some of the most wonderful and generous Kin’s Domain creators from Russia, who care deeply about the international movement, and are excited to share their experience with us.
All speakers will be professionally translated from Russian to English during their talks.
Day 2 Full Schedule (Eastern Time)
Event Topics
We will touch on all of these important subjects!
1. Background | The Ringing Cedars of Russia series, Kin’s Domains, and the New Civilization
2. Planning | Transitioning to Life on a Kin’s Domain
3. Materializing | Establishment and Creation of Kin’s Domain
4. Sustaining | Income Generation on Kin’s Domains
5. Expanding | Creating Settlements

Gabriel Miguel
The Ringing Cedars of Russia, Kin’s Domains, and the New Civilization
The books and international movement that shows Man’s highest way of life
- What is the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series?
- Kin’s Domains: The future of Earthly civilization, and the greatest way for Man to live in harmony with Nature
- The Spirituality of the Kin’s Domain: Understanding Anastasia’s Philosophy and God’s Desire for Co-Creation with us
- Kin’s Domain Settlements: An overview
- The eternal preservation of Love in families, through the Kin’s Domain
- Man becoming like God when he creates his Domain
- The international Kin’s Domain movement, and how to get involved
Gabriel is the Founder and Executive Director of the Anastasia Foundation.

Ruslan and Victoria Taran
Family Life, Raising Children, and Life on Your Kin’s Domain
The joy of Kin’s Domain Life
We, Ruslan and Victoria Taran, are a young, happy family. Not so long ago we lived in the center of a Metropolis. We dreamed of our homeland, our Kin’s Domain. We know that happiness is in a way of life, in harmony with nature. We were inspired by a series of books by V. Megre “The Ringing Cedars of Russia”.
While we were dreaming, gaining experience, our land was waiting for us somewhere. And then a miracle happened… We began to act and found our family home in the Settlement “Kolibel”. We have been developing our Kin’s Domain since July 2014.
Two of our daughters were born here. We built a house and very good cellar for vegetables, fruits and pickles, build russian banya and continue the arrangement of the land.
Many hundreds of trees and shrubs have already been planted, there is a nursery as well. Now we know that everything is possible if you go towards your dream.
Our Kin’s Domain is located in a beautiful place. This is a meadow with a small northern and a large southern slope. Our site is surrounded by neighbors’ plots and beautiful pine forest. The Kazaikha River flows nearby with icy water, where it is +6°C all year round. On the border of the site there is a spring that flows straight from the mountain, the water is soft. There are young self-sowing apple trees (the birds were planted), old thickets of plums and wild cherries. Everything is here: the beauty of nature for the delight of the eyes, mushrooms, berries, fragrant herbs for nourishing the body, places for dreaming, meditating and happiness.
We are always happy to share our experience of moving to the land, building an eco-friendly house with our own hands, arranging a Kin’s Domain, and organic gardening.
We want to share a piece of our life and maybe inspire someone to change their own life.
Everyone should live happily, joyfully and with dignity on their Kin’s Domain. WE WISH YOU ALL HAPPINESS!

Anton and Vika Borkini
Transitioning to Life on a Kin’s Domain
How two settlement founders made the process happy and successful
- Overcoming the fear of change
- How to adjust from city life to life on the land
- How to prepare for living on the land BEFORE you get there
- The experience of creating a settlement from scratch
Anton and Vika Borkini are the founders of the settlement “Schastlivoe” (Happy) in the Belgorod Oblast (region). Four years ago, they acquired a plot of land through the Law on Kin’s Domains in the Belgorod region and moved from the city to a cozy little farm. There they founded their settlement and facilitated transforming a struggling farm with only 12 people into a thriving settlement of 30 families.
They have created a successful online gift store, and an agricultural marketing cooperative. They also have established a win-win relationship with the local government, and have received grants for the development of their settlement. Anton and Vika have 10k followers on Instagram where they share their journey with the world (

Andrey Osipenok
Economics on Kin’s Domain Settlements, and Creating Settlements
Founder of highly successful Kin’s Domain Settlement shares 20+ years of experiences and insight
- Is the economy part of the Divine world or is it an artificial system?
- Kin’s Domain Settlement economics, 20 years of experience: Results, successes, mistakes, and co-financing programs
- The successes of the “Svetlie Visoti” settlement:
◦ Holistic design of the space
◦ Attracting members with entrepreneurial qualities (based on the idea from the books that the first Russian settlements would be organized by entrepreneurs)
◦ The harmony created by the shared values and common image of the settlement members
◦ How they worked with the Russian government via receiving grants
Learn More: Andrey's Bio
Andrey Osipenok
Entrepreneur, 36 years old, married, co-founder of the coop at the settlement.
Higher economic education (“National Economics”), vast experience in the field of construction, all steps have been taken within the largest construction and installation company in the Russia (telecommunications): from the installer – “engineer of the design department of the SMU -” chief economist of the SMU – “chief specialist of the PTO of the head office (Moscow) -” head of the production and technical department of the head office (Moscow) in the largest construction company in the country – “deputy director of this company.
Also have significant experience in project management for business process automation (Moscow, customers: TetraPak holding, housing construction companies in Moscow).
In 2015, he changed his activity to the cultivation of environmentally friendly products in a greenhouse. Built a year-round greenhouse. In 2019, a second, much larger area was built in cooperation and by the forces of 4 families.
In 2018, the initiator of the creation of a settlement of Kin’s Domains on the beautiful banks of the Volga (Ivanovo region), near the city of Plyos.
In 2020, he became a co-founder of SPSSROK “Rus” at the settelment . As a legal entity for communication with government officials. Issued a grant for the development of a business plan for the coop.
In 2021, we developed the concept of Masters and cooperation in agriculture and horticulture. This is a separate direction, which will soon “shoot” into the public space. Now we are testing and studying the results of the output of the settlement’s products in retail chains.

Vadim and Galina Karabinskie
The Realities of Life on a Kin’s Domain
A wide perspective on Kin’s Domain life
We are Vadim and Galina Karabinskie. We live with our children in the most northern Kin’s Domain Settlement in Russia, “Karelskoe Zalesie”. This is the only Kin’s Domain Settlement in the Republiс of Karelia (to the north of St. Petersburg).
Vadim started the Settlement 15 years ago, Galina joined him later. Vadim is a blogger (the first and largest Ringing Cedars blogger in Russia), the creator/director of 2 films about Russian Kin’s domains (2 films, 9 parts), and the author of several books related to the Ringing Cedars of Russia.
Galina is an online English teacher, they have 2 kids (with the 3rd on the way), and the main support and inspiration for Vadim.
Vadim’s films are about people who already live happily on their Kin’s Domains! Vadim asked 30 questions to 30 families from 11 Kin’s Domain Settlements. A total of 900 answers, the best of which were included in the films: what money is needed on the Kin’s Domain, what happiness is, children’s lives on the domains, and much more.
Our general project is traditional education for boys and girls in a form of a camp. There, boys learn how to defend themselves, sports, folk games, singing, dancing etc. For girls – the basic skills of sewing, weaving, gathering herbs, cooking, folk singing and dancing, etc.
However the most important thing – we happily live together!

Svetlana Semina
The Unity of All Peoples of the Earth through the Land
Being connected to your land connects you all of the Universe
Svetlana has lived in Canada for 11 years and has spent 1 year in Russia, visiting various Kin’s Domain settlements, festivals and dolmens, experiencing first hand many of the things that Anastasia talked about in the book series. Svetlana moved to the “Ladnoe” settlement 10 months ago. She desires to help Ringing Cedars of Russia readers in North America on their way to their own Kin’s Domains. Svetlana is eager to share with you the abundance of precious experiences she gained in Russia.
The Event Trust Indenture
Our Trust Relations
About the Private Trust Created
This meeting is granted by American Meeting Group (AMG) and the Anastasia Foundation (AF) and stewarded through the private trust
relations we create together, and, which are needed to make this meeting possible for our members. You must accept these trust relations in order to become a member of the trust and to support the events and benefit from them.
Because this event is non-commercial, and instead a private trust, there are no products or services offered for sale, no refunds, no purchases, and no payments; this is simply because those things are all commercial actions and our trust relations are private. This is critical.
We are all exchanging lawful gifts and honor with eachother under trust to ensure the events succeed.
When you have granted and conveyed your gift, iTVGroup accepts it as lawful money only [per 12 USC 411 where applicable] for the American
Meeting Group, the Anastasia Foundation, and all of the presenters under the AMG1 or AF2 private trusts.
In honor of your support, and as a participating member of the trust, you will be provided with optional online attendance, and anything created or shared during the event.
Your gift can only be returned to you if:
- The event is canceled and not rescheduled within 4 months, or,
- If a similar recent event replay and documents are not providedfor you as a substitute.
Examples of exceptions are:
- Accidentally granting duplicate gifts
- All other requests are granted at the sole discretion of AMG or AF.
*If you decide that your gift should be returned to you, Please DO NOT contact PayPal to intervene. When you do this you convert PayPal from a custodian of the private trust property (your gift to the trust) into a 3rd party commercial intervenor and it is considered dishonor and a breach of the private trust we all established together.
The event trustees (AMG and AF) are exposed to the possibility of technical interference which are outside of their control, and outside of their ability to defend against. As a result the event trustees will do everything they can do in the event of any technical interference to restore connectivity, and keep the event moving to it’s conclusion. The event trustees reserve the right to reschedule the event if deemed required by the event trustees. Therefore technical difficulty or rescheduling is not cause to return trust property granted to support the completion of these events for our members and beneficiaries of the trust. Thank you for your grace, patience and understanding.
With respect and gratitude,
The event trustees
American Meeting Group
Anastasia Foundation
Registration & Gift Info
Minimum Gift Required
$51.75 per Attendee, per event – includes $1.75 PayPal fee
After granting your gift, it becomes trust property for the benefit of putting on the events for everyone participating, and cannot be returned to you with it being a mistaken duplicate gift.
All presenters and speaking times are subject to change at the discretion of the event trustees.
If for any reason the event cannot be delivered, it will be rescheduled in a reasonable amount of time, or other actions will be taken by the event trustees to restore the honor to the trust relations.
With our sincere gratitude and respect,
American Meeting Group Trustees
Anastasia Foundation Trustees
Do I have to have PayPal?
Do I have to Have PayPal to Grant a Gift?
You do not have to have a PayPal account in order to grant your gift. PayPal is just being used to process the credit and debit cards of our members.
If you have a Debit or Credit card to grant your gift, you can just click the “Donate with Credit or Debit Card” button. Its a white button with a thin blue border around it, on the bottom of the page under the yellow button.
If you do have a PayPal account, you can just click their yellow “Donate with PayPal” button after entering your gift amount into their page.
* This event is a private, non-commercial, and non-political event.
* Events are provided by a mutual exchange of lawful gifts and honor only.
* Gift granted & conveyed as lawful money only [per 12 USC 411 where applicable]
Day 1
The Law – Sacred Stewardship and Land Patents
- Event Replays of Day 1: The Law
- Lifetime access
- Replay link emailed to you immediately
Days 1+2
Complete Package
- Lifetime access to both Day 1 and Day 2 event replays
- Replay links emailed to you immediately
To register for both days, click the “Grant Gift” button on each day.
*Due to this event being a combined event between two seperate membership groups (AMG & AF), it requires seperate registrations.
Granting your gift is acceptance of the trust indenture expressed above.
What Are Kin’s Domains?
A Kin’s Domain is a 2.5 acre piece of Earth where a family creates a living Paradise garden home for themselves and their (future) children, to pass on in perpetuity. Your Kin’s Domain is your connection to God and the Universe, and the Space of your family for generations to come.
A Kin’s Domain Settlement is a large community consisting of many Domains. The largest ones in Russia are 300+ families, each with a 2.5 acre Domain.