An Introduction…and A Thank You

by | Jun 29, 2017 | Blog

Hey there,


My name is Gabriel.  I created this website because it is my dream to bring all the Ringing Cedars readers in North America together as friends, and eventually I guess, as families.

If you were a part of this little site in it’s first incarnation, then I thank you for your attention.  If this is your first time around, then again — thank you for your attention.

My goal here is to facilitate conversation and connection around the ideas set forth in the Ringing Cedars series, and to connect all the readers to each other.  This is done via the forum, facebook group, and our facebook page.  From there we’ll have in person reader’s gatherings to further build relationships.  And I imagine everything will happen from there.

Thanks for reading this.  I won’t do too much talking.  But do know that the future holds many wonderful things for us all.  We were able to have a gathering of about ~50 people last year on July 23, and Vladimir Megre was there too.  It was a great time.  And previous to that, we also had a gathering of about 20+ readers in Upstate NY.  That was also a great time.  But those are all just precursors of what’s to come.

I love this stuff with all my heart man.  This site is meant to be of the utmost utility of all the readers on this side of the planet.  I’ll do my best to contribute something to this movement.


I look forward to getting to meet you all.  Cheers to new friendships and a bright future.


Many blessings,




P.S. If you want to chat, email me at

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