Anastasia Foundation: The Next Chapter | Our Past, Present, and Future

por | May 2, 2023 | Ringing Cedars News

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«The most important thing, Vladimir, is that even today everyone can build a home. Everyone can feel God with their soul and live in Paradise.»
– Anastasia, from Book 4 «Co-Creation»
Dear friend,

Gabriel here. 

Every day we get to see how much our work has been able to help the members of our community, and how much we’ve been able to help spread the message of Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars to so many new people. And we thank you for all of the support you’ve given us in our mission — it means the world to us.

Things are really moving into a new chapter here at the Anastasia Foundation.

I recently completed the first fundraising deck for the Anastasia Foundation, to help support our work in connecting, inspiring, and empowering Ringing Cedars of Russia readers in the English-speaking world.

After finishing the deck, I realized it would be good to share with everyone in a video, because it’s the best look at our work — past, present, and future — and this exciting, monumental next chapter that we are moving into.
Watch the video here
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In this video, I discuss:
✅ The Anastasia Foundation’s vision, mission and goals
✅ Advancing Kin’s Domains, Co-Creation, and Ringing Cedars readership
✅ Vladimir Megre’s message to Gabriel about creating a powerful English-speaking community
✅ Exclusive publishing of the Ringing Cedars of Russia Series in English
✅ Current impact: interviews, Zoom calls, in-person gatherings, content, resources, and regional ambassador program
✅ Initiatives for audience outreach and spreading the Ringing Cedars message
✅ Revenue generation: book sales, Siberian Cedar oil, Anastasia Market, events, and fundraising
✅ Hiring staff to support community-building efforts
✅ Future projects: app development, educational programs, reader’s gatherings, Kin’s Domain founders group, and settlement visits
✅ The dedicated and diverse team behind the Foundation
✅ Creating an endowment for long-term financial security
✅ Supporting the Ringing Cedars movement internationally

Watch the video here
In sharing this video, I also wanted to ask you for your support. We’ve been able to do so much already, but where we’re going next is a new world compared to where we’ve been! 

Your donation can be truly impactful and transformative in helping us build the Ringing Cedars movement in the English-speaking world, inspire Co-Creation with God, and facilitate the Co-Creation of Kin’s Domains filled with happy families across the planet.

Words from our community members:

“The Anastasia Foundation has beautifully enriched the lives of myself and my beloved. The community that has emerged through the Foundation has been very supporting and uplifting. It has been a great joy to learn about, and connect with, readers all around the world. When we connect via live calls with Gabriel, Wyatt, Ariane, Agata or guest speakers, the bright, expansive energy that manifests is so visceral and tangible.” – Stephan Guénette

“I looked for this group right after I started reading the books. It is wonderful to connect with others, who are at various stages in their life journey. What has been most profound for me is having the ability to connect both online and in real life with others who are called to remember who we really are, and co-create a world filled with Spaces of Love, beginning right here, in the heart.” – Melissa B.

“Since finding the Anastasia Foundation and its social media groups, I have profoundly connected with my tribe and continue to marvel at all Gabriel Miguel and the Foundation have accomplished—bringing together people around the world, reaching many more through the many interviews, working on bringing the books back into print and making precious Russian products more available, teaching about owning land and sovereignty, he and the Foundation leaders providing so many fulfilling Zoom meetings, and much more.” – Mark Landau
This is our first big fundraising appeal, and it marks a new phase in the development of our work. 

Honestly, every form of your support is appreciated your donations, your kind messages and words to me and the team, the kind thoughts you send to us, your inspired Co-Creation in your life, your heart, and your dreams, and the message of Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars that you share with everyone through your words and the example of your life. Thank you for what you do, in every way that you do it. It is a dream being able to serve you all, truly.

Anastasia says that collective thought is the strongest force, and we at the Anastasia Foundation are doing our best to do our part in manifesting the Divine dream here on Earth as fast and splendidly as we can, together.
Donate →
With deep thanks, respect, and gratitude,

Joy and bright thoughts to you, Co-Creator of a splendid new world,
Gabriel Miguel

Founder & Executive Director
Anastasia Foundation
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