🌲Support the Growth of the International Ringing Cedars Movement this #GivingTuesday 🌲
Dear friend,
Today is Giving Tuesday, a day of planetary generosity unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.
We are called to support those organizations who are helping create the change we would like to see in the world.
In the 4 minute video above, I talked about the Anastasia Foundation’s work in the last year — what we have done, what we’re doing now, and where we’re going.
I invite you to watch the video and to donate to the Foundation if you feel called to.
We are the only organization in the world bringing Ringing Cedars readers together at this scale (besides in Russia), running Ringing Cedars events continuously, and providing resources for readers.
We are also going to be republishing the entire Ringing Cedars series in English.
Also, we will soon be the only official distributor of Megre Siberian Cedar oil in North America.
There is so much to come.
We are only just getting started.
The Ringing Cedars movement will soon explode, and already is seeing a bit of a “2nd wave”, from the work we’re doing.
If you want to support the growth of international Ringing Cedars movement, please donate today.
Make this Giving Tuesday count.
Deep gratitude to you for your support!
Joy and bright thoughts to you, Co-Creator of a splendid new world,
Gabriel Miguel
Founder & Executive Director, Anastasia Foundation