
The home of the Ringing Cedars of Russia / Anastasia and Kin’s Domain movement in North America (USA and Canada), and the entire English-speaking world.

year Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation

自 2014 年起

active Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation

Largest Active English-speaking Ringing Cedars Community

community Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation

Events, Content, & Resources


The Anastasia Foundation is building the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement in the English-speaking world by connecting, inspiring, and empowering Ringing Cedars readers.

Through our community-driven approach, we are helping to create the joyful New Civilization on Earth, one Ringing Cedars reader at a time.


Buy the Final New Copies of the Ringing Cedars Books in English

We’re selling the last new copies of the 1st and 2nd editions of the books. Only ~3,000 books left. Lowest price in years. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Get them while you can!

Anastasia foundation regional ambassadors



Discover a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for the Ringing Cedars of Russia books. Join our community and make new friends, meet your soulmate, and participate in discussions and events.

🔍 Find other readers in your area through our searchable members directory and members map
💡 Join or create groups on all Ringing Cedars-related subjects
🌎 Be a part of regional and local reader groups
💬 Connect with other members through private messaging and audio and video calls
📖 Participate in engaging forum discussions
📱 Connect with readers anytime, anywhere with our mobile-friendly community

Join our community and start meeting other readers now!

Ringing Cedars Community platform on iphone 1 1 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation


Our healthy and active 4,000+ member Facebook group with Ringing Cedars readers from all over North America and the English-speaking world. A great place for discussion with others!

24/7 活跃


Meet and connect with other Ringing Cedars readers. Largest RC Telegam, supportive and highly active group. Dozens of regional sub-groups, plus topic-specifc groups!


YouTube 和奥德赛

在这里您可以找到我们最重要的 Anastasia 基金会更新。订阅我们的频道!对于那些不喜欢 Google 的人,我们也在 Odysee 上!


Regional Ambassadors

Our Ambassadors are longstanding, active members of our community who care deeply about growing the Ringing Cedars movement and are organizing locally.

They can help you meet and connect with other Ringing Cedars of Russia readers in your area.

Ambassadors host a minimum of 2 in-person meetups per year and lead Ringing Cedars reader’s groups in their areas.

Anastasia foundation regional ambassadors


Readers’ Group Online Call

Readers' Group Online Call

日期: 9月 22, 2024时间: 6:30 下午 - 8:30 下午 America/New_York场地: 飞涨

🇨🇦 🌻 The Eastern Canada Ringing Cedars Readers is hosting a readers' group: Our specific intention is for more in-person connection between the Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. However, everyone everywhere is welcome to joi...

Readers’ Group Online Call

Readers' Group Online Call

日期: 10月 27, 2024时间: 6:30 下午 - 8:30 下午 America/New_York场地: 飞涨

🇨🇦 🌻 The Eastern Canada Ringing Cedars Readers is hosting a readers' group: Our specific intention is for more in-person connection between the Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. However, everyone everywhere is welcome to joi...

Readers’ Group Online Call

Readers' Group Online Call

日期: 11月 24, 2024时间: 6:30 下午 - 8:30 下午 America/New_York场地: 飞涨

🇨🇦 🌻 The Eastern Canada Ringing Cedars Readers is hosting a readers' group: Our specific intention is for more in-person connection between the Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. However, everyone everywhere is welcome to joi...



    Featured Posts



      “俄罗斯鸣响的雪松” 弗拉基米尔·梅格雷 (Vladimir Megre) 的系列文章,阿纳斯塔西娅 (Anastasia) 解释了如何在地球上过上最幸福的生活。

      阿纳斯塔西娅分享了关于人类存在的目的、抚养孩子和将世界恢复为原始的繁荣花园的改变世界的见解。她向我们展示了我们如何能够将爱永远保存在我们的家庭中。她的话的纯净和力量将激发你的灵魂,点燃你内心深处的喜悦,这将激励你改变你的生活,就像数以百万计的人在阅读后所拥有的一样 响雪松的书。 这些书深入探讨了生活的每一个话题,读起来令人难以置信和激动人心。 Kin's Domains 的想法最初是由 Anastasia 在 Ringing Cedars 系列中提出的。

      Ringing Cedars 图书在全球已售出超过 30+ 百万册,并以 20 多种语言出版。


      什么是 Kin 的域?

      A Kin's Domain 是一块 2.5 英亩的地球,一个家庭在这里为自己和他们(未来的)孩子创造了一个活生生的天堂花园之家,以永久传承下去。您的亲属领域是您与上帝和宇宙的联系,也是您未来几代人的家庭空间。

      “让我们每个人占据他的一小块土地[一公顷],将他的整个思想和整个灵性聚集在一起, 创造一个很小但具体的天堂.他将效法上帝的榜样,将他在我们这个大星球上的一小块土地变成一个繁茂的花园,为他的灵性提供物质体现。






      — 弗拉基米尔·梅格雷


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