Vladimir Megre’s Appeal to Readers

by | Mar 31, 2023 | Featured, Vladimir Megre Interviews

From VMegre.com: https://vmegre.com/events/40436/

I appeal to you, readers of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series! I am sure your ardent souls and hearts will help to perceive what I have said and what I have not said in this appeal. Your feelings and mind have already grown the sprouts of a wonderful future for Russia and the world. It was you who felt the heartbeat and aspirations of the Siberian heroine Anastasia and followed her call.

It is you, often with difficulty finding funds, who have acquired and continue to acquire weed-covered plots of land one hectare in size in order to create your kins domain, your small Motherland, your space of love. To create in memory of our ancestors for the children of today and future generations a heavenly oasis worthy of the life of an intelligent person.

One hectare of land is just a microscopic dot on our planet. But even she, having felt the touch of kind human hands, can shine with her beauty, radiate the kindness and awareness of her creators, and delight the universal stars.

And when there will be a lot of these dots – when large and small cities are surrounded by hectares of kins domains with the fragrant aroma of spring gardens and flowers – air and water will become clean, and deadly weapons will become only exhibits at the museums. 

Unrealizable fantasy, skeptics will think. But do not rush with conclusions, gentlemen. Do not rush!

In our native Russia there are already 400. No, not one-hectare dots, but 400 settlements consisting of kins domains.

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Kins domain settlements on the map of Russia

In the new type settlements, people began to relate to the land and kin with new awareness. In order not to offend the kins domain land, many people gave up the bad habits of smoking and drinking.

There are different settlements: large and small, well established and not so much, but their number continues to increase, and the infrastructure is improved. A wonderful process could take place much faster and more efficiently with a closer relationship with the authorities and society.

To establish this interaction, there is a mechanism established by law –  a political party that promotes our ideas on elections to local and federal authorities.

We have a party registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, called the NATIVE PARTY (Rodnaya Party).

On the eve of the elections, we need to organize and conduct a bright and information-rich election campaign. We have minimal time for preparation. The voting day for regional authorities will take place in September this year. And after that, elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation will take place.

But we can make it in time if all people interested in their future – and above all, the creators of kins domains – are involved in the preparation process regardless of whether they are members of the Rodnaya Party or not.

Yes, we see and create a wonderful future for our Motherland. But we cannot explain to society the impulse of our soul in simple, understandable words.

It’s hard to explain in words. It is easier for a person to realize a wonderful future when he can take something from the future in his hands, taste it, and enjoy the aroma.

But can we already offer something tangible to society today? “Yes!” we can say!

Come and see what the emerging settlements look like, consisting of kins domains of the future prosperous Russia. They are in almost all subjects of the Russian Federation. They also exist in the Sudogodsky district of the Vladimir region, just 30 kilometers from the city of Vladimir.

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Kins domain settlement Rodnoe in Vladimir region. 

Seeing solid houses with plots of one hectare adjacent to them, someone will say: “These people had a good amount of money, so they were able to purchase land and build a decent house on it.” I can understand the course of your thoughts, but help me understand the following.

Among others, I’ll show the hectare of a kins domain.  There is a solid house made of logs and a foundation pit has been dug out for a pond, fruit trees and shrubs grow at the entrance, by the road there is a garage made of boards.

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Zhukov’s house

Perhaps you will see a woman by the planters. I can’t drive past this hectare without stopping. Why?

This hectare was bought for 30,000 rubles by an 80-year-old man. Neighbors were establishing their kins domains with their families, and he stood alone thoughtfully among the weeds and overgrown forest, thinking about something; or walked, with difficulty, measuring the perimeter of his hectare with steps. Then the old man set up a soldier’s tent and slowly began to plant berry bushes. His neighbors helped him build a small bathhouse. Having learned from the settlers about the strange old man, I came to visit him. I wanted to know what he was striving for and try to convince him to return to the city closer to modern medicine. But I couldn’t. He was too unusual in his judgments.

When he entered his dwelling, bending over a small table, the old man wrote down his poems in a notebook. I asked him to read them. They are about the Motherland and about love, about the meaning of life.

When I opened the door to leave, the old man stopped me with the words:

“Vladimir, don’t worry about me. Everything is fine with me. Better than ever. I simply begin to live a meaningful aspiring life.”

– Where aspiring to?

I asked him, and he answered calmly and confidently with a smile:

“Looking forward to the future, which you wrote about in your books. I want to see it. And I want to wait for a woman with a soul, like your Siberian Anastasia. She will come if I become worthy of her. So I am creating a kins domain in order to be worthy of a woman with a beautiful soul.”

I did not intrude into an unusual dream with my doubt.  Having said goodbye, I went out and got into the car. I drove along the highway to the city and thought only about the old man and his unrealistic dream.

Where a country road adjoined the highway, I stopped my Lexus and went out into the wind with drops of autumn rain. I knew that this road would lead to another under construction settlement in which a woman in a wheelchair alone is trying to arrange her hectare.

Somehow, she has already built flower beds, lives in a tent and draws her future home on the sheets of paper. In her home it will be convenient to move around in a wheelchair.

And in the neighboring settlement, a single mother with two young children is also trying to build a house and arrange a kins domain.

And all of them are my readers, and for some reason I feel responsible for them. It can be seen that the taiga hermit Anastasia really gave me a magic pen, and I have to be careful with it. It is possible to understand when entrepreneurs, having picked up Anastasia’s idea, create their kins domain. But a man in a wheelchair dreams, but does not understand that he will not be able to build a house.

A single mother with two young children will also not be able to turn a hectare overgrown with weeds into a blooming oasis. But she does not understand this.

And how, in his age, could an old man come up with such an impossible thing that a woman would come to him with a beautiful soul and begin to live with him on his land?

There are obviously a lot of them! In Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, my readers have a passionate and unrealizable dream of a beautiful future. Well it would be okay if they would just dream, but they strive to transform the unrealizable into reality. I certainly need to be more careful with the pen that Anastasia gave me. I thought this way many times. But soon realized that I had underestimated the possibilities of the hermit of the Siberian taiga, or the possibilities of people’s dreams.

Approximately three years have passed, and a woman in a wheelchair, Margarita Vasilievna, meeting me, waved her hand from the veranda of her house. Everything here was accessible to her. Wooden walkways were laid from the house to the summer kitchen, and the passage to the unusual gazebo was thought through. She was receiving a famous American family in this pavilion. The head of the family was also in a wheelchair after a car accident. There was a translator in our group. People communicated with each other and joked. How timely, a neighbor brought a hot freshly baked bread.

The Russian woman – who nevertheless built her wonderful house – and the Americans were sitting in wheelchairs looking at each other, and without an interpreter and even without words, they were talking to each other about something.

Greetings to you from an American family that visited this kins domain, and I want to tell you that this family in America bought hundreds of hectares of land in order to create a settlement.

A single mother of many children, Natalya Sergeyevna, nevertheless built a house on her hectare, and she also got married and gave birth to four more children, and now she has six children. She is also slim and beautiful.

The fate of the old man was also beyond understanding of the ordinary mind. His neighbors told me how one day a woman who came to visit the settlement heard a story about an unusual old man. The neighbors said how he lives, how he is trying to improve his kins domain, but it was not clear to people who the lonely person is trying so hard for?

This woman decided to visit the old man. She entered his tiny dwelling and did not leave it until night.

One can write a novel or, perhaps, a philosophical story about how it is possible to start a new life, even in declining years. But my story will be brief. 

The woman who came to visit married the old man. She was 25 years younger than him, beautiful with an inner timeless beauty, and she was also rich. A solid house was quickly erected in the domain. I visited them for a housewarming party.

A long table was filled with food in the spacious room.  Many neighbors were sitting at the table. There were talks about different things. They discussed what a beautiful Russian stove turned out in the house. The old man, dressed in a Russian shirt with embroidery, smiled happily. He was reading his poems to the guests. And suddenly his wife Raisa Alexandrovna – that was the name of the woman who came into a dream – said to the guests:

“Do you want me to show you something?”

“Yes,we do!” the guests answered.

And she brought the old man’s military officer’s uniform. And there was silence. People looked at the many military medals on the dress of the Russian officer, Colonel of the front-line soldiers.

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Ivan Dmitriyevich Zhukov

I was also looking at the uniform thinking where a spot can be found for the main medal? This colonel, in front of everyone’s eyes, won the main battle alone. This battle for a dream, for love, and for prosperous Russia. 

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Zhukov, Ivan Dmitriyevich, and Raisa Aleksandrovna receiving guests. 

Ivan Dmitriyevich and Raisa Aleksandrovna lived together for four and a half happy years. Their tender love moments neighbors recorded on their cell phones. Colonel died in 2013. His wife Raisa Alexandrovna did not take his body to the cemetery, but buried it on the domain. It was the will of the hero. 

What kind of power did the Siberian Taiga hermit hide in the phrase “kins domain”? Or maybe the power is hidden in such phrase as, for example, “return people their motherland.”

Not in words, but in reality, the future of the motherland is growing beautiful.

Already today, kins domains of the Vladimir region and other regions of Russia can provide city hospitals and kindergartens with truly organic vegetables and fruits. Hundreds of wells, equipped by the creators of kins domains, give those who wish living water.

Already this spring, thousands of kins domains will be planted with medicinal herbs that are superior in their qualities to those sold in pharmacies.

Already today, a number of kins domains produce first-class natural cosmetics and skincare products.

In a small Siberian village, under the brand name “Ringing Cedars of Russia”, a production of cedar products was organized using ancient technology and the warmth of the human hands of modern man.

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Entrance to the Cedar products production house Megre. 

At this house, among other products, cedar oil is produced. It is recognized by science and traditional medicine as an effective remedy that enhances immunity.

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Production process at the Cedar House. 

I am proud that this production was founded by my children, and dozens of villagers work in it.

I am proud that products from a small Siberian village are sold not only in Russia, they are exported to Europe, America, and China. For now in small quantities, but at the same time, showing excellent opportunities for the development of the Russian economy.

I am sure that children raised in kins domains will become talented and worthy of their parents. This is already happening.

The monumental mosaic art of my neighbors’ daughter, Ulyana, by the domain of Viktor and Nina Medikov, already adorns Orthodox Christian churches in Rome, Bari and Barcelona, Catholic churches in Detroit (USA) and Krakow. She carried out the orders of the Pope and became a famous artist in the world.

Our children! Thanks to them, the disarmament race that Anastasia spoke about will start in the world. A disarmament race provoked by a little girl from the kins domain who learned to be friends with bacteria invisible to normal vision, and with their help began to blow up ammunition she did not like all over the world. I cited Anastasia’s story about this phenomenon in my book. It seemed incredibly fantastic to me.

And suddenly this unusually strange coronavirus. Here is what Anastasia said about it:

“What people call coronavirus, Vladimir, is nothing but a living, thinking substance. It is created and launched by the energy of thought and obeys it. It will conduct a dialogue with humanity in the language of action.”

And look closely at the situation: these invisible creatures have forced people around the world to suspend their often harmful productions, self-isolate at their homes, and think about their future and the future of all mankind.

I am sure that together we will be able to determine the path to a wonderful future and create it ourselves.

I thank scientists from Russian universities, and first of all, a group of scientists from Moscow State University, who saw what excellent prospects for the country are hidden in the social movement “Ringing Cedars of Russia”, its family estates.

I thank scientists from Russian universities, and first of all, a group of scientists from Moscow State University, who saw what excellent prosperity for the country is hidden in the social movement “Ringing Cedars of Russia”, its kins domains.

Doctor of Economic Sciences Viktor Yakovlevich Medikov, who collected dozens of scientists’ signatures in support of the movement for the creation of kins domains.

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Medicov, Victor Yakovlevich – Doctor of Economic Sciences. 

Mikhail Pavlov, whose scientific work showed historical examples of excellent possibilities for the development of our Motherland, thanks to the kins domains movement.

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Pavlov, Mikhail Yurievich Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at Moscow State University

Governor of the Belgorod region Evgeny Stepanovich Savchenko, who initiated the adoption of the law on kins domains in Russia .

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Governor of the Belgorod Region Evgeny Stepanovich Savchenko.

I also thank those who spread frightening misinformation about the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement, thus preventing the authorities from prematurely organizing the movement, thus providing an opportunity for people to learn how to interact with each other on new principles.

I thank our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who, despite the flow of disinformation, issued a decree on the Far Eastern hectare. Not everything is smooth in this decree. In my opinion, there are not enough words, it is too official; but nevertheless, a mechanism has been developed for obtaining free hectares, which Anastasia spoke about. And now this Decree needs to be spread to the entire territory of Russia, with an addition of necessary words that can inspire people to common creation (co-creation). 

And when the fragrant hectares of kins domains will surround large and small cities, the turn will come for the Far Eastern land.

Russia has a great opportunity to stop the pandemic that has engulfed many countries of our world. Not only to stop, but also to prevent the following serious catastrophes.

It will be possible to understand what has been said for every person who has invoked his own logic when getting acquainted with simple information.

Science has not yet been able to provide an effective cure against viruses. Even if it is ever invented, it will take months and possibly years, to test its effectiveness and determine side effects.

The Russian government, like other countries, in efforts to prevent the spread of the virus, reduces air and rail transportation of passengers, imposes a ban on cultural events, and encourages people to self-isolate in their homes.

Self-isolation in an apartment can reduce the risk of contracting an infectious disease to some extent. But self-isolation in the confined space of an apartment for most people will have a negative side effect. Having lost their usual way of life, under fear of infection, not seeing bright prospects for their future life, a person will certainly fall into depression, which, in turn, significantly lowers his immunity, and, consequently, increases the risk of acquiring many diseases.

Self-isolation in a country house on a plot of six acres increases the risk of infection due to too high a density of plots. It is enough for a sick neighbor who, working behind the fence, sneezes, and the infection has occurred.

Families who arrange their lives in kins domains have the highest degree of protection against coronavirus.

What is a kins domain in the modern sense? It is a one-hectare plot of land with a green fence planted along the perimeter. Inside there is a house, a pond, a well with living water, fruit and vegetable gardens, a small forest area of valuable trees, flower beds with medicinal herbs, cedars exuding phytoncides that disinfect the air. In such a living paradise, the family will undoubtedly be the most protected from any viruses; and in case of illness, a living house will help them to cope. 

Kins domains effectively solve economic issues, both for a single family and for the country as a whole. A person on a hectare of land provides himself with income- bringing work. 

A person living on a kins domain can work remotely. Modern means of communication allow many professions to do this. It is also possible to work directly at a factory in a nearby city. At the same time, in order to free up time, you can reduce the number of garden beds in the domain and increase the forest and fruit garden areas that do not require maintenance.

The kins domain is able to provide even a large family with first-class food, the surplus of which can be sold to city residents.

The family estate is not only first-class food, clean air and life-giving water. The realization that a person creates an oasis in memory of his ancestors for the happy life of his children and future generations connects him to eternity and gives a powerful energy charge.

And to you, the readers of my books, I want to suggest carefully considering the plan presented by a doctor from the future, which outlines the interaction of the creators of kins domains with the Ministry of Health and Medical Research Institutions of Russian Federation. This plan of overcoming all kinds of epidemics including COVID-19 is very relevant today.

May there be Good on Earth!

Respectfully, Vladimir Megre

May 20, 2020

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