July 23rd, Western Australia Ringing Cedars Reader’s Meetup

Sharon's Farm Whim Landing Rd, Palgarup WA

READER-HOSTED, non-Foundation event. Join us for a shared lunch of good food, companionship, inspiration and laughs. Why not bring along some home cuisine made from your own garden produce?

Enjoy the natural beauty of the historic Rose family farm. Be inspired by Sharon's innovative home construction techniques, employing hempcrete and other environmentally friendly methods.


July 23rd Asheville, North Carolina Ringing Cedars Meetup with Gabriel

Meet other Ringing Cedars of Russia readers in the Asheville, North Carolina area! The goal is to meet and connect, and start to build a community of readers in the area. The meetup will be relaxed and casual, hosted outside in the beautiful French Broad River park in Asheville. Expect free flowing conversation for a few hours, nothing fancy!


July 23rd Denmark Ringing Cedars Meetup with Maja

At this School of Happiness event, we celebrate 'Whole Earth Day' by inviting everyone living on the countryside or in dachas, who have surplus from their garden, to go to town to share the fresh food with everyone living in the city, who don't have their own fresh food.

Fill a basket with edible herbs, flowers, crops or what you can find in your garden or in the forest, and be part of spreading joy and health to our dear families, friends and neigbors in the cities. All musicians are invited to come and share happy music, when we walk together through the streets.

In Ebeltoft in Denmark, we gather under the big tree in Maltgården, and walk together through the streets, sharing the abundance and good tunes.
