Yeshua baby esme Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation

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Esmé means beloved in French and, on June 15th 2023, Esmé was born. Our community members Yeshua and Ava gave birth to her in their home, in the water. She is their 3rd child to have been born to them, each one in this way.

Yeshua shared a bit about his family’s birth on our Raising Ringing Cedars Children Telegram Chat, and he welcomed my sharing it with all of you as well.

This is what he had to say: “Wow, I literally found this group just before the birth of my 3rd child. We’ve had water births at home for our first 2, and this one will be the same. I can’t recommend it enough. I’m looking forward to connecting and sharing more. This is a blessed community.”

On June 16th he wrote: “Our 3rd baby was born last night at home with just a few strong contractions. Not even the midwife had enough time to arrive, so I caught her myself. It’s a girl! What joy to wait until birth to discover the gender. We’re so filled with joy! (and also a little tired after a restless first night).

It’s a miracle every time.

We’re excited to bring another light-filled soul onto the planet and shepherd her towards wholeness and unity as we continue to remember who we truly are”.

~Yeshua & Avav Orah

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Raising Ringing Cedars Children Telegram
Raising Ringing Cedars Children Community Platform Group

Story written by Elizabeth Erkel, Community Outreach Coordinator