How to Start a Successful KIN’S DOMAIN SETTLEMENT | Russia-America Exchange #2 | Ringing Cedars

от | Июн 18, 2023 | Russia-America Exchange

This is the second in a new series called the “Russia-America Exchange”. On 12/19/21 we were joined by an incredible Kin’s Domain Settlement founder from Russia in a Q&A style discussion for 3 hours with 40+ live participants. (TIMESTAMPS BELOW 👇)

This is a masterclass in starting a settlement. If you are curious to know more about starting a successful Kin’s Domain Settlement, and learning from a master, this video is a must-watch. There is not another video like this in the English language.

Andrey shares priceless gems from his 20+ years of experience as the founder of a Kin’s Domain settlement.

🎤 About the Speaker:

Andrey is the founder of the settlement “Svetlie Rosi” (Light Dew) near Ivanovo city, northeast of Moscow. It is a nearly 20 year old, large and successful Kin’s Domain settlement with lots of families that has launched many businesses, profiting several million roubles. Andrey is passionate to share his insights from founding his settlement; how they select people to join, important points to note, and more. He shares how to create strong economics within a settlement.


3:15 The conference begins.

4:04 Andrey introduces himself and the settlement.

8:34 Building a settlement is different for everyone.

9:52 How settlement organizers are communicating with each other.

13:23 Working on ponds and such can be easy and even joyful, yet human relationships can be difficult.

14:17 Reading a chapter from the RCR book series.

17:29 Having a detailed blueprint is the key to building a successful settlement.

17:53 Potential problems, like noise from a lumber shop, needs to be communicated early.

19:59 The first thing the initiative group is supposed to do is describe the image of the project in detail.

20:00 The first step to starting a settlement is to agree upon the image and details of the settlement.

21:54 It’s very important to plan ahead in detail.

23:30 Every settlement is different when it comes to the decision-making process.

24:22 When someone buys a piece of land in the settlement, only to resell it later.

26:15 It’s problematic when some have too many.

27:55 There are examples of easy and happy processes of building a settlement, as well.

28:50 Benefits of turning settlement agreements into legal documents (having people who are joining your settlement sign an agreement).

29:45 Q: What would be involved when signing the agreement mentioned above?

30:24 Answer to the question.

33:00 The community agreement could be about mindsets, diet, raising animals for meat or not, etc.

34:13 One thing that’s important to discuss is the details regarding the building of houses.

35:12 Whatever isn’t discussed and agreed upon will eventually come up in one to three years and likely cause conflict.

36:58 When the agreements are made, such as payments for building the infrastructure, then the settlement is prepared for success.

37:54 While not everything is decided completely, the frameworks that are created early for next 70 years.

39:00 It’s so much more important to co-create a clear image and detailed agreements than finding a beautiful space.

39:40 Making agreements as legal documents to protect everyone involved.

40:57 Some settlements decide to work on agreements as issues come up.

41:26 Anton and Vika’s settlement. Their image/blueprint is described in more general terms.

44:05 It’s so important to establish a good relationship with the local government, especially in the beginning.

45:35 Most of the other Kin’s Domain Settlements are not protected under such laws (the law on Kin’s Domains in the Belgorod region of Russia). Because of it, dealing with the government can be difficult.

46:25 Andrey’s settlement has something that the RCR books mentioned, that others may not. His settlement has tourist attractions and a medical center.

48:30 To integrate tourist attractions into the settlement, it’s good to build Kin’s Domains in the center, and the tourist attractions on the perimeter of the settlement.

49:18 It’s good to have the roads and the waterways on the perimeter of the settlement.

49:50 It’s good to have 20 to 30 masterful entrepreneurs ready to launch businesses living in your settlement.

50:40 Anton and Vika had their entrepreneurial projects well-planned in advance.

51:50 Most settlements also had the challenge of creating a sense of unity within the settlement.

52:32 Some ways to create a sense of unity among the members.

54:20 Andrey recommends the Khorovod (hand-holding Russian dance) to help create a sense of unity within a settlement.

56:30 Successful settlement needs to have a clear and detailed image, a set of agreed upon rules and strong emotional connections between people.

57:56 Gabriel promotes a future event involving bards and their music.

58:44 Alonya shares how she feels that they always feel supported by the Universe even through difficulties.

59:27 Gabriel and Svetlana share how they also feel supported by the Universe through challenges.

1:01:43 Doing inner-work is an important part of building a settlement.

1:02:55 Q: Wondering if Andrey could speak a little in regards to the mental, emotional, spiritual states/skills he has experienced and feels it important to have to begin and maintain a successful kin domain.

1:03:53 Most important skill in building a settlement is deep and clear communication in relationships. Q: Could you give examples of successful businesses launched from a settlement?

1:07:38 Andrey’s settlement now offers organic food, festivals and events.

1:11:40 Three most successful ventures in a settlement: Growing organic food. Family events. Festivals and markets.

1:13:07 Q: I would like to hear your thoughts about how to find the balance between private/family space and community space.

1:14:07 A: In Andrey’s settlement, the most beautiful areas are made the common areas.

1:18:00 Andrey says as the type of gatherings depend on the number of settlers.

1:20:13 Q: Does everyone have a voice to express their concerns and their ideas to improve the settlement? A: Every month, they have a community gathering for the settlers. Everyone has the right to speak about the topic they want to discuss.

1:22:00 Q: So, what has worked best for your settlement and what hasn’t worked so well? Andrey answers: Before joining the settlement, the newcomer must sign contracts/agreements.

1:25:46 Be watchful of the people who buy a piece of the land to sell it later on or people who have unrealistic expectations.

1:27:10 It’s very important to describe each person’s contributions in detail such as labor, money, material, time and such early in building a settlement.

1:29:20 Q to Andrey: What have you found that works well to keep the humans/people in a settlement all on the same page or getting along? A: In my experience, spending time creating a collective image (doing group visualizations) together as a settlement is important. Alonya shares how festivals unite the people in the settlement.

1:34:05 Q: So how many people live in your Kin’s Domain? How do you deal with problems? Do you have a council? A: We have a document titled “Order of Solving Questions in Settlement” and we follow the protocols of the document in a conflict situation.

1:39:08 Q: How does the domain/settlement work financially? Who manages the finances? A: We have three funds. One is a cooperative fund which all the settlers are paying into. Another one is the entry fee. Last one is a yearly fee. They have a budget and plan of how they manage each fund. We have membership fees. To collect the fees, it’s important to have legal agreements for the fees such as payment amount and due dates. Q: What are the benefits of having membership fee requirements for the members? A: When there is no membership fees, it’s so difficult to do public projects. When it comes to project financing, each family decides which one they choose to finance. Gabriel: In the RCR book five, Anstasia talks about families pooling money together to buy arms factories to reduce availability of weapons in the world.

1:46:10 Q: Can you share the most inspiring spiritual experience you’ve had since creating your settlement? A: Personally, the most spiritual experience is meeting my wife and the wedding ceremony. Svetlana: I experience being at one with nature and with the people. Svetlana’s son said how he feels so special living on the Kin’s Domain because he also felt so at one with nature.

1:51:10 Q: Can you/they describe more details of what is meant by creating an “Image”? and perhaps some examples of some settlement’s? A: We humans have the ability to model his/her own future. When the image is about the lifestyle of an entire settlement, it’s not an individual thing. In my settlement, there isn’t a person who models the lifestyle of the entire settlement. In the city, there are many companies satisfying our needs. When building a settlement, it’s important to get the details such as, where supplies are coming from, straightened out. For successful creation of the image, it’s important to have people of diverse skill sets and knowledge. When a person is a part of the collective image-creation, then they are more willing to pay the fees because they see it as a means to manifest their vision. When it’s someone’s turn to add to the collective image of the settlement, he/she first reads what others have created so far.

1:56:00 Alonya: A settlement is like a human being. Some people are like the brain. Some people are like the hands. It’s important to include the thoughts of the children in the settlement by creating a room for play, games, creativity and others, for example. Andrey: When creating an image for the settlement, we write it down for future reference and for documentation. Svetlana: When creating images, remember to use all your senses in your visualization as well. Andrey: Remember to find ways to involve, invite and attract other people (extended people and children into your creation, as well, so that they’d want to live on the settlement. Alonya: Every time you create a detailed image, the right people will come to you to help you manifest it.

2:04:40 Gabriel: For example, students in Schetinin School used collective imaging/group visualization to do collective work. And the co-created image governed what happens in terms of getting collective work done.

2:05:28 Q: How often do you communicate with the government? Andrey: It’s very important to include the government in the project as much as possible. Alonya: For example, a person is in charge of road construction and another in charge of school. And they would be in touch with their counterparts in the government.

2:09:50 Q: What control does your state have, if any, on the activity on Kin’s Domains? Andrey: Before the pandemic, there was no interference from the government. After the pandemic, the government is more involved in terms of social gatherings during festivals. Outside of that, the community is completely independent. Alonya: Our use of the land is in alignment with the government rules.

2:15:00 Q: Most importantly, is state control a big concern for the settlements? Andrey: There is no such thing as controlling people in settlement except for expectation on the use of the land. Alonya: We tried to explain to the government the intention of developing a barren land into something beautiful, prosperous and productive. Andrey: In Russia, you can buy or rent land from government or private owners.

2:20:00 Q: Did they need government permits to create the settlement – to use the land in this way? Andrey: There is no such requirement for such permits in Russia. Q: What should we keep in mind to make the first Kin’s Domain Settlement a success in North America? Andrey: We initially began as book clubs of Ringing Cedars of Russia series readers, then became friends and then began building settlements together. Also, we organized bard festivals and people get introduced to the books or the ideas in the book during the festival. Alonya: I took many actions inspired by the RCR book series such as joining book clubs and going to RCR festivals.

2:30:00 Introducing online community platform for Ringing Cedars readers

2:31:23 Svetlana introduces Natasha who is very experienced and knowledgeable.

2:33:00 Natasha speaks: One of the most important things is to ask themselves “Who am I?” I It’s very important to read the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series over the course of your lifetime. You should experience the reality around you through your heart, and not be dependent on others to tell you what the reality is. She sends greetings from the dolmen spirits to us. She wants for everyone to return to themselves and remember why they are on this planet right now. The system is trying to separate and isolate us. It’s so important to feel as one. Don’t let it seperate us. In the way Anasta stopped the iceberg with her thoughts in the book series, we can also use our thoughts to create a bright future. No matter what language we speak, we’re all one.

2:48:15 Andrey and Alonya: Sending our appreciation to everyone. Thank you for asking really good questions. Gabriel: Thank you to our friends in Russia. Blessings to all of us because we’re following Anastasia’s dream which is the Creator’s dream which is our dream. The Universe is smiling on us and blessing us.