Anastasia-Inspired Children’s book | Interview w/ Priscillia Barre

от | Сен 24, 2023 | Интервью

In this interview I speak with Priscillia Barre. Priscillia is a talented artist, author and storyteller from France. With her spiritual and creative work, she supports children from different cultures and nations to develop their creativity and spirituality and to live freely.

After reading the “Ringing Cedars of Russia”, Priscillia received prophetic dreams and visions from Anastasia to become a storyteller and to work with children.

Priscillia is a great role model and guide for children from all over the world. With her book “Meduse” she inspires them on their personal and spiritual journey.

You can contact Priscillia by email:

More about her work and her book: YouTube @astriapriscillia8879  

Médusa et les serpents: Arc 1 : Prêtresse…

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