Land Patent Defense and Enforcement Masterclass

Things you need to know about Land Patents.

Wednesday, August 9th, 2023, at 7pm Eastern time

Do you want to learn how to defend and enforce a land patent? 

Have you ever wondered what to do with your land patent once you have it?

This is the class for you.

Learn from a true American hero with years of experience in enforcing land patents.

He was even issued a brand new land patent on June 6th, 2023. 

His land wasn’t patented before. The state and federal government respected the Homestead Act (of 1862), and issued a new land patent for him. You’ll see it in the class.

You’ll learn about: 

  • The Homestead Act (still in effect even today) 
  • The Federal Land Policies and Management Act 
  • The Schools and Institutional Trust Land Act 
  • W. Virginia -vs- EPA Supreme Court Case

If you attended our Freedom and Co-Creation event last August, this is the perfect follow-up class for you.

This is a collaboration event, in partnership with the American Meeting Group.

$20 minimum gift required to attend. 

Gift Granted, conveyed and accepted as lawful money only. [per 12 USC 411]

Don’t miss this. This is essential knowledge for anyone interested in land patents!

Register now by clicking the button below.

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A Warranty Deed is not a Title to your land, and never will be. If you look closely you may be surprised to discover you think you’re an owner, but you’re only listed as a tenant. The only true Title to your land is a Land Patent, which finally makes you the true land owner with the unalienable rights granted by God and protected by the Constitutions.”

– Ron Gibson

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