Life in a Kin’s Domain: Settlement of Kin’s Domains “Imbiren”

by | Feb 2, 2025 | Kin's Domain Stories

I remember my first feelings when I stood on the land of our settlement – there it was – my magical place. Nevertheless, after living here for 16 (Andrey) and 12 (me) years, Andrey and I decided to travel and see how else it could be. And so, after traveling for a total of 2 years (we were in the Far East, Altai, and Krasnodar Krai), we decided to return to live in the settlement.

I want to share the most important reasons for me in making such a decision.

1) ‘Pressure of civilization’
The most significant and hardest to explain moment for other people. Throughout my life, wherever I was, I felt this pressure. But I only realized this when I first came to the settlement and felt its absence.

Simple phrases like ‘Freedom of the soul’ ‘Space for thoughts’ and so on would fit here. Before, I thought these were just beautiful metaphors, but when I experienced this breakthrough during my first visit here, I simply couldn’t return to live in the city and stayed here (This was in 2010). The settlement of Imbiren is the only place without this pressure that I have found. I managed to feel something similar when I walked long distances away from populated areas, but it only remotely resembled what I feel here. This feeling of magic, the flow of the Universe, unity with nature and God – once felt, it’s hard to trade it for anything.

2) Locality and climate
We turned out to be deeply plain dwellers; these mountains everywhere make you want to remove them and see what’s behind them
The first couple of weeks in the mountains are beautiful and unusual, but you still want to live in the open space
And we really missed the clean snowy winter and ski trips ❄️⛷ The undeniable plus of the Krasnodar Krai is that it is warm and has a long vegetation period – this provides freedom in growing many plants unavailable to us in Siberia. But the lack of sun for months and the rain and mud all winter long affect the mood Living there, you start to believe that Omsk is the sunniest city in Russia ☀️

3) Child rearing
Only in the settlement do I have hope for raising children in relative freedom, purity of thoughts, and striving for the light ✨ In most other places, I would be afraid to even let them out on the street, especially after seeing the cursing kids who don’t know what to do with themselves – an all-encompassing melancholy about the purposelessness of life would overcome me, and I began to understand why many people nowadays don’t want children.

4) Community ‍‍‍
Living among people with similar aspirations and ideas about life. Our settlement attracts me because most of our residents are drawn to freedom from rigid rules; we live by conscience and try to reach agreements with each other. Joint leisure – hikes, dances, songs, tea at a common table, and no drunken parties Together we create beauty, each on our own estate. I see the meaning and purpose of our life, that together we will make the world a better place, even if only on a small piece of Earth

5) Absence of people
As much as this point may contradict the previous one But for me, time alone is very important, and when there are no people not just nearby, but for many kilometers around, it adds freedom and tranquility, the ability to free the mind and be myself. In cities and towns, I missed this very much. Here I enjoy the absence of noise and crowds ‍♀️

Of course, there are moments that are easier to solve in the ‘big’ world, for example, the question of earning money. Here we haven’t solved this issue yet, and it was one of the main reasons for our travels. But the previous 5 outweighed, and here we are, and I’m sure we’ll come up with something

P.S. In our settlement, we are very concerned about the stop of the influx of new residents, especially young people. But here we are, so not all is lost)) And maybe someone else will be inspired by our example, so I decided to share what exactly attracted us here ☀️

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