BIRTHING MAN: Natural Birth Anastasia’s Way – The Science of Home Birth | Ringing Cedars

執筆者 | 3月 14, 2023 | リンギング シダーズ イベント

For those looking to learn more about home birth vs. hospital birth, all the facts about home birth, and wanting to prepare for a successful home birth, this video is for you! ✨ If you’re wanting to give birth at home, you can’t miss this video! ✨ (👇‍ TIMESTAMPS BELOW 👇‍)

Join Emily Thomas as she dives deep into the perspective of birth, Anastasia’s way. Emily is a mother who had a successful unassisted home birth, and a passionate researcher on the science of birth.

This was a live event which took place on 3/5/22, with our live participants asking questions as we went along, and during the Q&A section at the end.

📄 DOWNLOAD THE BIRTHING MAN RESOURCES DOCUMENT: Birthing Man Resources.docx – Icedrive


0:00 – Introduction to the event

4:59 – Guided Imagery by Ariane

10:01 – Introduction and personal experience of home birth

17:54 – Hospital approach to Birth vs Home Birth

20:54 – Emily’s experience the first time seeing her son

23:29 – Is hospital Birth safe?

26:46 – General comparison of hospital vs home birth

27:41 – C-section rate

31:15 – Extended breast feeding

35:43 – Maternal/Infant mortality rate

36:48 – Pain during birth

37:50 – Home birth statistics (Rates of C-section, EBF, maternal, infant mortality)

41:16 – Epidurals and their dangers

43:47 – Pitocin drug downsides

47:08 – Healing ourselves before and during Birth & bonding

49:58 – Midwives during Birth (CPM)

54:20 – Home birth contraindications

1:06:00 – Support with home birth

1:14:00 – Advice from Anastasia (from the Ringing Cedars books)

1:19:00 – Overview of Pregnancy and Birth – Book 4 of the Ringing Cedars series and Man’s 3 planes of being

1:25:00 – Getting the body ready for pregnancy

1:33:00 – Birthing the baby (Oxytocin vs Adrenaline)

1:43:00 – Pain during birth

1:47:00 – Assumptions about Birth

2:16:00 – Question and Answers