Ringing Cedars North America Weekly News | Episode 3, 5/17/2021

par | 19 mai 2021 | Nouvelles de Ringing Cedars

Dear friend,

Episode 3 of Ringing Cedars North America Weekly News is live!

Covered in this episode:

  • 2021 Reader’s gathering and successful fundraising for the event
  • Further progress on forming a Ringing Cedars nonprofit
  • AnastasiaUSA.land website Member Community progress
  • New Anastasia USA Telegram group
  • and more!

Watch the video on YouTube:


2021 Ringing Cedars Reader’s Gathering fundraiser: https://gofund.me/753f93a5

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ringingcedarsnorthamerica
Telegram: http://t.me/ringingcedarsusa
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ringingcedarsusa
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/co-creation-and-joy-radio-by-anastasia-usa-ringing-cedars/
Forum: http://forum.anastasia.foundation/
Donate: https://anastasia.foundation/support/