100% of your money goes to building the Ringing Cedars movement and creating Kin’s Domains everywhere.

The world needs Kin’s Domains. We’re doing everything we can to spread the idea, connect Ringing Cedars readers, and facilitate the creation of Kin’s Domains everywhere. With your support, we can impact more people.

Your donation will be used to:

  • Help cover technology, design, and operational costs
  • Grow our online communities (Facebook, YouTube, Telegram, Forum)
  • Pay for Facebook and Instagram advertising for our Kin’s Domain Directory, Online Member Communities, Articles and more (reaching thousands of Ringing Cedars readers a week!) This is by far the most effective way of reaching and connecting more readers.
  • Produce in-person reader’s gatherings (we’ve had Vladimir Megre at one of our events before!) and online events
  • Fund efforts for creating Kin’s Domain settlements, and pitching land donors the idea. We have access to a large, influential network, many of who are willing to support this idea, but need to know more about it first before committing.
  • Create educational content about Kin’s Domains, for readers and the general public.

All donations are deposited into a socially and environmentally conscious Aspiration Bank account, which doesn’t use your money to fund oil pipelines or turn our fees into campaign contributions to the politicians that work against us.

Please consider making your donation monthly, as the recurring donations help us tremendously!
Donate with Cryptocurrency

The world needs Kin’s Domains. We’re doing everything we can to spread the idea, connect Ringing Cedars readers, and facilitate the creation of Kin’s Domains everywhere. With your support, we can impact more people.

Your donation will be used to:

  • Help cover technology, design, and operational costs
  • Pay for Facebook and Instagram advertising for our Kin’s Domain Directory, Member Community, Articles and more (reaching thousands of Ringing Cedars readers a week!) This is by far the most effective way of reaching and connecting more readers.
  • Produce in-person reader’s gatherings (we’ve had Vladimir Megre at one of our events before!)
  • Fund efforts for creating Kin’s Domain settlements, and pitching land donors the idea. We have access to a large, influential network, many of who are willing to support this idea, but need to know more about it first before committing.
  • Create educational content about Kin’s Domains, for readers and the general public.

All donations are deposited into a socially and environmentally conscious Aspiration Bank account, which doesn’t use your money to fund oil pipelines or turn our fees into campaign contributions to the politicians that work against us.

A letter from the founder:

Dear friend,

I want to personally thank you for being on this site and reading this.

My name is Gabriel Miguel.

Since 2014, I have been working as hard as I can, with the collaboration of many dear friends, to help connect and inspire Ringing Cedars readers in North America.

Your support is truly appreciated from the bottom of my heart. It enables me to do more for this community that I so love.

It gives me the time freedom to give myself to this work completely, which I have yet been able to do.

Everything you see on this website was built by me, for the benefit of readers everywhere.

The only thing I ask, is if this work has impacted or inspired you, to please consider donating as a way of expressing your thanks and support.

The friends I’ve made, the many emails I’ve received, and all the beautiful smiling faces I’ve seen over the years of doing this work have blessed my life tremendously. I’m truly grateful to be able to serve with the skills I have.

Your support means the world to me. Thank you for being a part of this.

God bless us all in transforming this world into the pristine flourishing garden it is destined to be, and creating happy families everywhere.

With gratitude,

“In helping others to succeed I shall find my own prosperity. In the welfare of others I shall find my own well-being.”
– Paramhansa Yogananda

The Goal

“Let each one of us take a small plot of his land [one hectare], pull his whole mind and whole spirituality together and create a very small but concrete Paradise.

“He will transform his little piece of land on our large planet into a flourishing garden, giving a material embodiment to his spirituality, following God’s example.

“If millions of people do this in a whole lot of countries, then the whole Earth will become a flourishing garden.”

– Vladimir Megre