Q&A w/ Kin’s Domain Settlement | Andrey Osipyonok from “Bright Heights” – Russia-America Exchange #5

por | Jun 4, 2024 | Kin's Domain Stories, Russia-America Exchange

This event is a part of the Anastasia Foundation’s “Russia-America Exchange” series. We connect the international Ringing Cedars community with some of the most knowledgeable, successful and inspiring Russian Kin’s Domain Settlement founders, in order to share experiences and insights. Our speakers spend around ~1.5 hours on their presentation, and the remaining time is dedicated to Q&A with the audience! The Russia-America Exchange events are a priceless opportunity to connect with experienced Settlement founders from Russia — don’t miss them!

✨ Russia-America Exchange #5, with Andrey Osipyonok

💻 Event page: https://anastasia.foundation/rae45


Andrey & Alena Osipyonok

Founders, “Svetlye Vysoty” (“Bright Heights”) Settlement.

Founder (Andrey), Lebedi (“Swans”) Settlement Alliance

– Andrey’s VK Page: https://vk.com/osipenok37

– “Bright Heights” Settlement VK page: https://vk.com/volgahome44


Founded in 2018, Bright Heights is a large and successful Kin’s Domain Settlement with lots of permanent residents.

Topics Andrey and Alena will discuss:

– How to preserve the sacred core of the Ringing Cedars books while also making the settlement relevant in the modern world. The experience of “Bright Heights”, and a review of the experiences of other successful settlements.

– What is important to remember when organizing a settlement in order to lay a solid foundation.

– Personal discoveries and experiences in implementing ideas from the Ringing Cedars books: divine nutrition, nights under the stars, co-creation & more.


0:00: 🌍 Introducing speakers and event team, event details, audience joining from around the world.

9:40: 🌿 Discussion on preserving the sacred ideas of the Ringing Cedars in modern world while creating Kin’s Domain settlements and Wellness Centers.

11:06: Challenge of maintaining spiritual connection while building Settlements and self-governing.

15:48: Creation of Retreat or Wellness Centers as a way for modern individuals to experience the Kin’s Domain lifestyle, and generate income for Settlements

24:11: 💡 Insights on organizing a Kin’s Domain Settlement, privacy and harmony within the Settlement must be considered when developing new projects.

29:25: Separating glamping parks and retreat centers from residential Domain areas helps avoid conflicts and maintains community cohesion.

34:30: Maintaining the integrity of the settlement while achieving project goals is crucial.

39:46: 💡 Insights on community building and cultural exchange in Settlement projects.

41:31: Guests absorbing ideas through community interaction rather than reading the Ringing Cedars books

44:42: Emphasizing deeper knowledge acquisition from the Ringing Cedars books for interested individuals

52:42: 🎙️ Discussion on ongoing Russia-America Exchange program, fundraising for Anastasia Foundation.

1:03:51: Andrey’s wife Alena joins the discussion.

1:04:50: 🏡 Discussion about dreams, inspiration, and progress towards creating a Kin’s Domain settlement.

1:13:30: Alona’s journey from studying law to pursuing her dream of creating a Kin’s Domain settlement.

1:24:04: ⚙️ Insights on establishing a successful Settlement through diverse approaches and values.

1:32:50: 💡 Creating a powerful image is crucial for the success of a Kin’s Domain Settlement in terms of land connectivity and expansion.

1:36:02: Prioritizing meaningful interaction with a few trees over mechanical care for many trees

1:41:34: Starting with multiple parcels close together but not connected can still work

1:42:16: Importance of visualizing the settlement with powerful images

1:44:56: 🏡 Exploration of the impact of collective thought on Settlements, emphasizing self-awareness, enthusiasm, and discussion of ideas.

1:51:57: Significance of self-awareness in transitioning from city to Settlement life.

1:57:28: 💭 Importance of strong images in creating successful settlements and realizing dreams.

2:07:17: Detailed visualization of projects leads to successful realization

2:19:07: 💡 Key qualities for success and harmonious living in a Kin’s Domain Settlement.

2:26:21: 💬 Insights from a Q&A session with a Kin’s Domain Settlement representative, discussing personal growth and cultural exchange.

2:36:18: ⚾ Discussion on donation support for Anastasia Foundation.