📚 Get the books here!: https://ringingcedarsbooks.com
This is one of the most important videos I’ve done in a long time! Exciting updates on the availability of last new Ringing Cedars books, and our international July 23rd events!
0:00 – 📚 Announcement about availability of the last new Ringing Cedars books.
5:30 – ✨ Harmony and resolution in disputes related to English books is being achieved.
6:36 – 🌎 Meetups on July 23rd in multiple countries.
9:47 – 🌿 Upcoming August Ringing Cedars meetups in California and Bali
10:40– 🎨 Share stories, art, music, and poetry inspired by the Ringing Cedars movement
12:38 – 📚 Insight into the reasons behind the cover change of the Ringing Cedars books and gratitude for the support received.