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  • Accelerated Thought

    Posted by Ariane Telishewsky  on November 30, 2021 at 10:42 pm

    Book 4: CoCreation ~ chapter 19: A Secret Science ~ page 113

    Vladmir, “What kind of science is it, and what does it consist of — this ‘science of imagery’ you speak of?’

    Anastasia, “It is a science that allows Man to accelerate his thought and think in terms of images, to grasp the whole of the Universe at once and penetrate a microcosm, to create invisible yet still living substance-images and use them to control a large community of people. Through the help of this science a multitude of religions came about. One who had even the slightest knowledge of it possessed incredible power, and was able to conquer countries, and topple kings from their thrones.”

    There are many eye-opening moments throughout the Ringing Cedars books. This chapter on the science of imagery can be nothing short of life transforming. It doesn’t take very much effort to see how indeed this science of imagery is hugely impacting our modern day lives in every possible way.

    Question: Anastasia speaks frequently about accelerated thought. What does ‘accelerated thought’ mean to you?

    *click on the link below for direct access to this chapter in book 4*


    Unknown Member replied 1 year, 11 months ago 10 Members · 37 Replies
  • 37 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 1, 2021 at 4:28 am

    Accelerated thought for me means that we need to be able to see a totally clear image of what we want to bring into our life. This can be on a global or personal level. If I only momentarily bring an idea or thought of what it is I wish to have happen or see in my life, it will not be sustained. When I use accelerated thought, I image what I wish my new reality to be and my image is crystal clear with many details, I can see the details vividly and use my senses to hear, see, touch, smell, and taste, if all these senses are applicable, in what I image. I use love as the bonding agent, knowing that it may be for the greater good of all.

    • Ariane Telishewsky

      December 1, 2021 at 8:46 pm

      ‘Love as the bonding agent’ is a brilliant way of communicating this message Renee, thanks for sharing this. If love is the highest frequency there is, than why not have it be the driving force behind it as you express here? Brilliant!

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        December 2, 2021 at 9:54 pm
  • Wendy Schulze

    December 1, 2021 at 9:09 am

    Thanks so much Renee. I am going to try love to bond my accelerated thoughts from now on. I really like that idea. When I was young I was reading a book about visualising what you want. The text described what to do to create a car. I didn’t care much for cars, but used a Mercedes Sports car as it was easier to follow the idea. They said to hear the door close, the smell of the leather, the touch of the paintwork etc. Anyway my life turned out that I got that very car that I visualised. Crazy. I have been using this ever since with success. I feel that a sense of doing it once and then detaching seems to work well for me. If I keep nagging away at it – the manifestation seems to take longer.

    • Ariane Telishewsky

      December 1, 2021 at 8:55 pm

      Good on your for manifesting that car (and so much more 🙌🏽) I appreciate so much how you’re highlighting the theme of detachment. No doubt about it, detachment helps thought accelerate. *being totally focused yet trustingly detached* what a combo!

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      December 2, 2021 at 10:04 pm

      Hi Wendy! Nice to connect with you. Your experience of manifesting a car is a powerful. It would certainly make you and many, believers. I feel that we manifest everything in our life, both consciously and unconsciously. Once we are conscious, we can be conscious creators for either the light or the darkness. We are very powerful! ❤️

      • Ariane Telishewsky

        December 3, 2021 at 3:12 am

        This is yet another great point that’s being highlighted here: we cocreate both for and against our best interest. And the impacts can be enormous (really important remider, thank you for sharing!)

        • Wendy Schulze

          December 6, 2021 at 3:12 pm

          I totally agree the car was a technological thing that was probably not the best for my soul journey. I will be now focusing on creating my forest garden and believe that my nature experience will be enhanced by my minds focus. BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT YOU FOCUS ON. but Vladimir took time to go from the technological to nature so please be kind with my process.

  • Wendy Schulze

    December 2, 2021 at 10:14 pm

    The other way I manifest is sort of a playful command.

    About two years ago I was going on a swim with humpback whales.

    The night before I playfully commanded the universe that I have the most awesome humpback whale dive possible. I then thanked the universe as though it had already happened and forgot about it.

    Anyway the way a humpback whale dives works is that the whales are migrating and you get dropped in the water 30 metres in front of them and they swim past you.

    Well, My group of 8 people TWICE had the whales swim past us AND THEN TURN AROUND.

    In one instance they swam around us (this is the photo on my profile with the whales) and in the other instance they dived under us. It was truly the most awesome experience. The whales were looking me in the eye they were so close. I didn’t know if I would live or die!

    When they dived under us a huge fluke nearly hit me and the whale looking me in the eyes – very carefully moved the fluke to miss me.

    The other group had the same groups of whales just swim past.

    …and then they found a whale shark and we got to swim with that.

    • Ariane Telishewsky

      December 3, 2021 at 3:09 am

      oh my God! This is such an incredible experience, and yes indeed it was playfully cocreated to say the least! I just can’t help but smile so much hearing this story. I’m reminded how the essence of life is so very much playful. I like how you created the image you wanted to have, thanked the universe for it as though it happened already, and then let it go (again coming back to detachment). The big question is, why on earth would we not be consciously engaging with life like this more often? What are your thoughts?

      • Wendy Schulze

        December 6, 2021 at 3:19 pm

        My thoughts are that we are all kept so busy “looking after our stuff (anti-rational stuff/ things dead stuff that dies and doesn’t reproduce as nature does, )” and dealing with the “government” rules (anti human) that we just often don’t have the time that Anastasia has to focus our minds. I am working on this at the moment – however, I still have lots of stuff to let go of.. It is a process.

  • Evelyn

    December 3, 2021 at 5:35 pm

    Since I was little I had a image of what my body would look like. Now at 58 I can say that I have never gained too much weight that I deviated too far from that ideal. I did however neglect to have an image of internal health. I had no explicit thought about it, but I had many examples of bad health around me that filtered into my mind.

    I feel, at this time, that many of my creations have been by default, unplanned, acquired from others or as a response to my environment ( people, events, places), or in response to past traumas.

    I would add my non image thoughts as powerful creators, including what music I listen to, what the lyrics of the music are, what I listen to, be it news, or trainers, or conversations, what I say, what I hear as I go about my day in the places I go to, as all of these bring up memories and images in my mind.

    In the realm of images there is what I see everyday in the neighborhood where I live, the places I choose to go to and what my home environment is like (I am in a city, in a high rise building, and I don’t want to be here). What websites I visit or videos, movies or programs I watch, what images I choose for my own profile and cover and wallpaper.

    All of these things occupy way more of my time and exposure than my deliberate image thought of what I want. I do understand that emotional content is a huge catalyst for the image/thought creation process. Strong emotions create faster. But hating the city keeps me in the city, hating my apartment keeps me in the apartment because I am focused on the thing I do not want and I am giving it my energy and attention.

    I am in a process of surrounding myself with what I like, what I would want with me in my Kins Domain, be it plants, furniture, decorations, kitchen items ( like using Bronners soap), the community garden, my desktop wallpaper, the every day items I use, the videos I watch, who I spend time with. I want to stack the deck in my favor. I want as many reminders of the happy, healthy, green future I want to create. I spend a lot of time on my computer so my desktop wallpaper, my cover image, my profile picture are all reminders of the life I want to live on my Kins domain. For me its all part of my vision board.

    “Environment is stronger than willpower” – Paramahansa Yogananda

    • Ariane Telishewsky

      December 4, 2021 at 12:38 am

      Thank you Evelyn for your vulnerability here sharing your heartfelt experience. You speak the experience that many of us share, and it’s opening the door for others speaking from their heart. Your awareness is so admirable, so is your heart, writing openly and vulnerably as you have here. I also see resilience and courage in your words: you are still aligning with your kins domain, even when living in the heart of a concrete jungle. You are an inspiration! And only good can come your way with these efforts and steps you are taking………I hold a detailed image of you walking away from the concrete jungle towards a brilliantly lit green kins domain oasis, with flourishing gardens, vitally clean air, and a blessed home 🌿

    • Síla Rose Indigo Pociask

      December 4, 2021 at 12:40 am

      Wow you described this all so well! There have been so many good ideas in this discussion!! I have been realizing similar things. It wasn’t until I started to feel happy in spite of my unsatisfactory living circumstances, that I was finally able to transcend them and move ‘up a level’ so to say. Now I’m having to continue to remind myself that even thought this move up hasn’t been all I dreamed it would be, and I’m still not exactly close to the kins domain dream, I need to focus on what is good now and be grateful, while still keeping in mind what I feel is the life I want. I had an idea, to envision the ‘pristine version,’ of whatever thing it is in my life that does not feel right yet, whenever I think of it, Or use it, instead of noticing, yet again, that the thing I have is not as I feel it should be. Like for instance even though I am not able to have a beautiful handbuilt home yet, I can envision the square concrete walls as curving and sculptural, with trees and vines integrated! I live next to a noisy busy road, but I try to hear it as ocean roaring (which I can actually hear in the distance sometimes!) I can’t afford yet to upgrade my dishes or clothing to something more natural yet but I can see and feel my metal bowls and spoons as hand carved wood. My forest garden is just a baby, and a lot of work at this stage, but I talk to it and send it love everyday and see it as huge, flourishing and self sustaining. I’m pretty isolated out here and haven’t found the relationships and the community I had hoped for, but I can see my friendly neighbors out of the corner of my eye, that will become real some day. I have always struggled to stay in reality and live in the moment, I had a bad habit of using dissociating and daydreaming excessively in my previous life in the technocratic workforce to protect me. So I am learning to balance this manifesting envisioning with actually feeling and expieriencing my current reality.

      • Ariane Telishewsky

        December 4, 2021 at 1:06 am

        So many beautiful highlights to discuss here (thank you for sharing). The dissociation is a very real epidemic in the technocratic world. There are so many ‘checked out’ people in modern society, this really reflects what technocracy does to the souls of humans. We can even argue that technocracy feeds off our dissociation. As we know Anastasia talks much about the technocratic world, and it was such a huge eye opener for me.

        I was in fantasy world as a young adult, constantly creating a different reality in my minds eye, so I could cope with the heaviness around me. Getting my hands in the earth, hiking, time with animals, being as ‘earthy’ as possible helped me so much. Simplifying life helped too, so did regular exercise. The desire to dissociate still comes up to this day, especially with the big collective shift happening. I’ve made peace with how checked out I was in the past, because life was very challenging at the time. It seems to be part of the journey for many of us (if not everyone). This is a very important subject to explore together, thanks for shining light on it 🌿

    • Wendy Schulze

      December 6, 2021 at 3:23 pm

      Evelyn you are an amazing person – you create your life with your mind and you are totally onto it. Focus on what you DO WANT – and without denying it don’t give much attention to what you dont want and all will be well in your world. Lots and lots of love and inspiration!

      • Ariane Telishewsky

        December 7, 2021 at 12:15 am


      • Ariane Telishewsky

        December 19, 2021 at 7:40 pm

        I just read this passage about the speed of thought in a book called Initiation by Elizabeth Haich, and thought it was so relevant to the theme we are discussing here:

        To be a coworker (cocreator) within the great divine plan you must also be able to make decisions with lightning-like speed. You must learn, instantaneously, without hesitation, to choose the best of a number of different possibilities. Situations can arise in which only a moments delay can mean missing the unique, never-recurring opportunity. When you can act in a moment, with complete concentration, and with a presence of mind that stands above and beyond all concept of time, your power to decide instantly is divine. But acting quick as a flash without concentration and presence of mind turns divine lightning-like speed into satanic haste.

        This gives me a better understanding of what ‘accelerated thought’ could mean from another perspective outside of the Ringing Cedars.

        • Elizabeth Erkel

          January 8, 2022 at 7:56 am

          This is a fabulous and memorable excerpt for me, ty! I have missed countless unique never available again opportunities! I put them in jars on my wall of dreams and the wall is quite beautiful I enjoy entertaining what my world would be like if I hadn’t missed that. I find that I am different now and that a missed opportunity isn’t always one I would even want to come up again which is sad and also okay. I have also found that a broken heart definitely cleanses the soul and accelerates thought as Anastasia said it does, but I don’t want another one of those. The question remains how do I accelerate my thought because I feel foggy and sluggish and don’t understand why. I often blame it on the parasites but they just want to be loved too.

  • Laurelove W

    December 26, 2021 at 7:18 pm

    Thank you so much for creating this discussion it is one of the most important in the book to me having read them all more than once over the last 20 years. Why would we do much of anything else if we can create imagery to create a perfect world which is possible. I’ve been practicing!

    I am so grateful for this newly created foundation of the principles and concepts of these books to begin again a surge of the best information I’ve ever read, that provides a real focus for change in the world, for a better world. 💜☮️💜

    • Ariane Telishewsky

      December 27, 2021 at 12:54 am

      So happy to have you here Laurelove. It is one of the most fundamental themes of the books and of life isn’t it? It just goes to show how we are so multi-dimensional. The realm of thought/imagery happens in the ‘unseen world’. And then these images manifest physical matter! Wow we are exceptional beings 🙂 It’s such a joy to talk about this with open-hearted and minded people. We can help each other remember the brilliance and potency of our very own God given thought/feeling/imagery (great cocreators remembering their true nature!)

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    January 3, 2022 at 9:28 am

    The story of her ancestor going to Egypt to save the kingdom from the clutches of the resurgent Dark Priesthood and his offer to teach the priests if they would let him also teach it publicly is poignant. to this since it was this science of visualisation that he was prepared to give them. Then he sang it from his prison in the tower and his son heard him in the crowd, eh? And the priests went into control mode of Egypt then through their religions throughout the planet they gained control of everything. But it’s all over for them now, as we know.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    January 3, 2022 at 9:48 am

    Wow Wendy. The common problem is holding a thought or image coherently. Without a clear and focused mind, the process is too weak and the dream does not manifest.

    • Ariane Telishewsky

      January 3, 2022 at 10:32 pm

      Exactly. Holding the image clearly with feeling and sensation, as if it were happening in the very environment you were in. I like to hold images of me on a thriving, eco-land, with dome-homes and vibrant gardens. Each time I visit this image, I add a just a bit more detail and feeling to it. So it is an even unfolding and evolving image that grows with me and has me so excited to be alive (and has me anticipate the future!)

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        January 4, 2022 at 2:15 am

        II have been looking at the sacks of dirt pixie houses, using sacks rather than bricks and the rooves funnel in to a point.

        • Ariane Telishewsky

          January 4, 2022 at 2:47 am

          Fantastic design. There are so many brilliant innovative home designs coming out now. Bio-veda is a leading natural home design resource (from Russia) you might be interest in checking it out. https://www.bioveda.co/

        • Síla Rose Indigo Pociask

          January 4, 2022 at 6:54 am

          THaNk you for sharing Bioveda, Ariane!! I adore dome houses and love learning about them. We have mud wasps here who build their little dome houses allllll over the place. Which is annoying for the mess it makes when they do it indoors haha, but I love watching them! And we haven’t encountered an aggressive one yet, tho they fly through our house all day long thru the screen less windows. I talk to them and apologize when we almost have a midair collision! But it is quite amazing to see them build these cute little domes for their larva, bit by bit, sometimes they turn out multi colored from different types of clay mud. We have been wanting to start experimenting with dome building using rebar or bamboo for a frame, lining with a mesh and fabric, then coating with thick layer of perlitecrete. Possibly with a center support with a spiral stair to a second story! It’s a work in progress haha, at the idea stage still as we are both handy but not professional builders or even trained much beyond the basics. But we have the desire and ingenuity to pull it off I think! The feeling of a rounded building is just so soothing! I think it’s definitely more in line with a healthy environment for living. Not to mention how much sturdier it makes it which is important in places like this where you can get crazy typhoons that blow everything to bits. We also have tossed around ideas to make a dome house with a living coconut palm as a center support or with a ring of them around as the outer supports. Ideally it would be a whole village haha!! But we need to import some fellow villagers first. The science of imagery has really been helping me move our trajectory in the right direction it seems, since I really started understanding it and working on implementing it in my daily life a few months ago. The way things take shape when you put clear images and feelings and love into them is so wonderful!

        • Ariane Telishewsky

          January 5, 2022 at 3:03 am

          I love this unfolding story you just shared here with us, and I honor you so much for respecting the insect life and including them in your home as you are doing. Really beautiful example of your pure heart 🧡 And I second what you say about dome shapes being far more natural for us humans! These people have been creating dome homes out of Texas for almost 50 years! Check them out, @Kinetic_Flow and myself bought the book and it’s EPIC https://www.monolithicmarketplace.com/

        • Elizabeth Erkel

          January 8, 2022 at 7:46 am

          Wow I just went into a portal with that bio Veda link! Now I’m back but I have that door saved!

        • Elizabeth Erkel

          January 8, 2022 at 7:49 am

          Trying to delete this duplicate?

        • Ariane Telishewsky

          January 9, 2022 at 1:48 am

          There does seem to be a little glitch in the system when we edit a post, it can often come up as a double post. I’ll pass the world on our beloved coordinator!

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          January 18, 2022 at 4:09 pm

          Hi Ariane, yes, and ta for the link. More great designing, yippee!

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          June 1, 2022 at 10:22 am

          Yes, great work by them at Bioveda

        • Síla Rose Indigo Pociask

          January 4, 2022 at 7:13 am

          I love the pointy dome houses too!

      • Wyatt Gober

        January 5, 2022 at 12:14 am

        That image has got me inspired!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    January 4, 2022 at 7:30 pm

    I actually have only just finished Book 2 (last night!), so I haven’t come across accelerated thought yet. But I believe I have an intuitive knowing of it. To me it’s like lightning fast response from within. I haven’t even had the chance to process with my thinking mind how I just know or do something, but there it is. It’s a deep connection to the inner Source and impossible to dissect (for me, anyway).

    I do look forward to reading Book 4, though! Thank you for your thoughtful question! 🙂

    • Ariane Telishewsky

      January 5, 2022 at 3:08 am

      See we have all the answers imaginable within us! Thank you for sharing this beautiful thought with us🧡. Book 4 gets into accelerated thought quite a bit, I find Anastasia puts a lot of emphasis and importance on the subject. And then I ask myself, we must be accelerating our thought together in this community, by having these discussions and meetings. It’s hard to see our own progress but I’m willing to bet our thought is accelerating hugely just being together in this space 😃

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