The People’s Book Commentary: Who Would You Rather Hang Out With — Exploring Living Imagery Part 1
Welcome to the People’s Book Commentary, A reverent, “People’s” Resource offering reviews and reflections on viral RCR News and Content. On music, podcasts, events and etc… Centering and always bringing content back to the Universal Truths offered therein.
The People’s Book Commentary is where we review and reflect on Ringing Cedars news and content with reverence and encouragement to always go back to the books. To think of these ideas. And, in the practical application of your own lives – in your own consciousness – put them together more deeply.
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Join me now in further discussion on: Exploring Living Imagery Part 1 with Ariane and Gabriel.
I’ve pulled out a few themes from their discussion and invite your comments too!
Who Would You Rather Hang Out With
In this episode Ariane asks a simple yet transformational question: Who Do You Want To Be Around?” | 1:00:28) and gives two versions of ourselves to choose from.
If everything you saw, heard, and imagined were literal, would your thoughts align more with joy? Would it be easier and more natural for you to choose the version of yourself on the left in each moment? Remember, we’re always choosing; we don’t get a break from that! But who needs a break from the person on the left?
This is something I practice a great deal, and I look forward to doing more of it. It shapes the way I interpret stories and the lessons I glean from them. Over the years, I have achieved deeper insight into the array of faculties that we are given, which, as Ariane said, are all divinely designed for us.
I say that I love being alone because I enjoy my own company so much. Am I being someone others also want to be around? As I implement this, my life literally changes. Stark differences in my childhood and teens have led me to notice the great many more experiences of people saying how much they like being around me. It’s both great and a practice in boundaries!
What does the person on your left see?
Written by Elizabeth Erkel, Community Outreach Coordinator
These paintings are stunning!
Indeed they are! The children!
Hi Elizabeth , I am waiting for you to reply regarding a question about the website. thanks !