devatakriya wrote:
So I've been supplementing my reading of the English paper edition of Volume 1 (with artwork with a black background) with an audio version from youtube and I noticed there's a chapter on the audio that isn't in the book that comes after the paper chapter 12 wherein Anastasia gives instructions for a healing water preparation and I'm wondering if others have noticed this? Also, there are also instructions for rinsing with Borage or Nettle "juice" that I haven't found in the book yet either. Does anyone have any insight into this? Are they just misplaced from elsewhere in the book? Regarding the juice, does anyone know if tea will do? Thank you!
Hi devatakriya,
I think the water method was mentioned in book 8.1 although I'm not sure of the page number in the print books because I'm reading them digitally. But what it said was:
Grandfather explained that spring water is not considered living water when you drink it right out of the spring. It must first be kept for three hours or so in a wooden or clay vessel with a wide neck. "Living water needs to absorb sunlight. With the aid of sunlight, organisms are generated which are indispensable to human life. You call them microbes and bacteria." Then the water should stand in the shade for at least another three hours. After that it can be drunk as living water.
Hope that helps! I'm going to try it myself, I just had a hard time finding a container with a wide neck. I think I'm just going to use a wooden bowl and see how it goes, perhaps put a cheesecloth over it so sun can get in but no debris gets into the water and no animals come and drink from it. Let us know how it goes if you end up making it!