Touching Our Distant Relatives

Greetings everyone.

The times now are filled with struggle, pain, confusion and apparently intractable deep systemic problems. Welcome to the nadir point of humanity’s understanding and power.

We all need answers – we need truth. Thus we have Anastasia’s brilliant suggestion of getting a piece of the Earth and working it with an open heart, curious mind and kindness. If we do this, according to her, we will learn what love is, what truth consists of, and how to live in peace and prosperity.

Anastasia talks about setting up a Kin’s Domain for our kin, past, present and future. What I want to talk about in this blog post is our distant relatives.

Most people when they think of their kin, think 2 generations back from themselves (parents and grandparents) – some people think back 3 generations but after that most knowledge about their relatives disappear into a murky past.

Perhaps the reader is familiar with the idea of Yugas – first discussed (as far as I know) by Sri Yutkeswar (Paramahansa Yogananda’s master) in a book entitled, “The Holy Science”. In this book we are introduced to many ideas, including the idea of Yugas – or vast expanses of time in human history with each Yuga having certain characteristics. I’m going to refer to these Yugas as Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron, with the Iron Yuga being what we are all living in now.

The Iron Age consists of very short lives with harsh deaths, widespread confusion, copious violence, pain, separation from God (or Goodness), and love between adults being little more than a concept or unreachable ideal. During these times we are separate and distant from the absolute perfect human life and experience which humans experienced in the Golden Age.

In the Golden Age some have suggested humans live a minimum of 100,000 years, have radiant healthy bodies, apparent super powers, and live creative wonderful lives filled with true actual love, surprise and adventure.

Just consider your life now – if you lived 100 years you would accumulate some experiences and some learning. Now multiply that by 1000 and how much more experience, wisdom and knowledge would you naturally acquire in your 100,000 years of life?

Perhaps you have heard of the ouroboros – the ancient circular symbol consisting of a snake or serpent eating its tail. The most ancient depictions of the ouroboros were found in Tutankhamen’s tomb (there are two of them – one ouroboros at the head and one around the feet). Here’s the problem though – those depictions of the ouroboros do not depict a serpent eating its tail. Rather it depicts something (I’m not certain what) very gently touching its tail – rather like the depiction of God’s finger touching Adam in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Perhaps you’ve seen the movie, “Interstellar”. In the movie Dr. Brand (played by Anne Hathaway) says that the only thing that can move through time and through dimensional boundaries is love.  Interesting…

It’s my contention that our distant relatives that lived in the Golden and Silver Ages knew what love was, knew that their distant relatives would live lives of pain and suffering, and through their massive pure love for us they want to help. They love us as their kin, because we are their kin. If we can turn towards them with an open heart and accept their love and good wishes, perhaps we turn the tail of the ouroboros ever so slightly and touch the “head”. Thus the circuit is completed, and maybe, just maybe, an instantaneous miracle will occur.

Thanks for reading!

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