Keith Monteiro
Seeking Soulmate + Kin's DomainAge: 66 years
Country: United Kingdom
State/Province: Surrey
City: Worcester Park
About Me:
Hey Peeps, thank us for being here! This is, as all of us are, a multifaceted being. More specifically, an energetic, practical (Human Design,) Manifestor. As old doors close, the opportunity to open new ones arises. Land is required but means are limited, creating options in Alaska as well as in Russia. Further research is needed on the states to explore the potential of State Nationality as well as Land Patents. Meanwhile. there remain opportunities in the UK, working on land-based projects with differentially enabled young as well as older people. Having renewed as well as deepened the acquaintance with Anastasia and the Ringing Ceders, and without reading the books, the depth of relationship with the land as well as the role of a soul-mate have been clarified. Thus, it seems everything has to remain fluid for now. With miles of smiles...