Leigh Ray
Seeking My SoulmateAge: 48 years
Country: Australia
State/Province: Western Australia
City: Beeliar
About Me:
I have lived an expats life with my family of origin, travelling the world, but always returning to Western Australia. The travellers road is a hard journey that has brought me many gifts in rich experiences, both positive & negative. But I have felt deeply a drift & needing of strong connection to something, which I know now, should have been a homeland with cultural nurturing. I cant wait to find a great piece of land to build a beautiful garden-forest. I have always believed in the universe & light & started spontaneously meditating at the age of 3yrs, if memory serves. Deep spiritual & psychological learnings over the last 4 yrs has seen me shift 30yrs of serious illness & fatigue, where I am now experiencing abundance in all aspects & well enough to grow a domain. I am a healer, trained physiotherapist with background in spiritual mind training. Having experienced great ill health I finally see the benefit for my clients as I have transformed 4 conditions modern medicine cannot, & can guide with experience. But I really look forward to experiencing more light work in my domain for greater benefit to the universe. These experiences have forged me to be a strong and competent soul, who is still willing to learn & share my love of life, with my infectious bubbly personality with my soulmate.