
The home of the Ringing Cedars of Russia / Anastasia and Kin’s Domain movement in North America (USA and Canada), and the entire English-speaking world.

year Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation


active Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation

Largest Active English-speaking Ringing Cedars Community

community Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation

Events, Content, & Resources


The Anastasia Foundation is building the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement in the English-speaking world by connecting, inspiring, and empowering Ringing Cedars readers.

Through our community-driven approach, we are helping to create the joyful New Civilization on Earth, one Ringing Cedars reader at a time.


Buy the Final New Copies of the Ringing Cedars Books in English

We’re selling the last new copies of the 1st and 2nd editions of the books. Only ~3,000 books left. Lowest price in years. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Get them while you can!

Anastasia foundation regional ambassadors


Ringing Cedars コミュニティ

Discover a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for the Ringing Cedars of Russia books. Join our community and make new friends, meet your soulmate, and participate in discussions and events.

🔍 Find other readers in your area through our searchable members directory and members map
💡 Join or create groups on all Ringing Cedars-related subjects
🌎 Be a part of regional and local reader groups
💬 Connect with other members through private messaging and audio and video calls
📖 Participate in engaging forum discussions
📱 Connect with readers anytime, anywhere with our mobile-friendly community

Join our community and start meeting other readers now!

Ringing Cedars Community platform on iphone 1 1 Ringing Cedars of Russia USA + Canada | Anastasia Foundation


Our healthy and active 4,000+ member Facebook group with Ringing Cedars readers from all over North America and the English-speaking world. A great place for discussion with others!

アクティブ 24/7


Meet and connect with other Ringing Cedars readers. Largest RC Telegam, supportive and highly active group. Dozens of regional sub-groups, plus topic-specifc groups!


YouTube & オディシー

ここでは、アナスタシア財団の最も重要な最新情報を確認できます。私たちのチャンネルを購読してください! Google が苦手な方のために、Odysee でもご利用いただけます。


Regional Ambassadors

Our Ambassadors are longstanding, active members of our community who care deeply about growing the Ringing Cedars movement and are organizing locally.

They can help you meet and connect with other Ringing Cedars of Russia readers in your area.

Ambassadors host a minimum of 2 in-person meetups per year and lead Ringing Cedars reader’s groups in their areas.

Anastasia foundation regional ambassadors

今後の Ringing Cedars イベント

Readers’ Group Online Call

Readers' Group Online Call

日にち: 10月 27, 2024時間: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm America/New_YorkVenue: Zoom

🇨🇦 🌻 The Eastern Canada Ringing Cedars Readers is hosting a readers' group: Our specific intention is for more in-person connection between the Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. However, everyone everywhere is welcome to joi...

Readers’ Group Online Call

Readers' Group Online Call

日にち: 11月 24, 2024時間: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm America/New_YorkVenue: Zoom

🇨🇦 🌻 The Eastern Canada Ringing Cedars Readers is hosting a readers' group: Our specific intention is for more in-person connection between the Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. However, everyone everywhere is welcome to joi...

Readers’ Group Online Call

Readers' Group Online Call

日にち: 12月 22, 2024時間: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm America/New_YorkVenue: Zoom

🇨🇦 🌻 The Eastern Canada Ringing Cedars Readers is hosting a readers' group: Our specific intention is for more in-person connection between the Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. However, everyone everywhere is welcome to joi...



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      「ロシアの鳴り響く杉」 Vladimir Megre によるシリーズで、アナスタシアはこの地球上で可能な限り幸せな生活を送る方法を説明します。

      アナスタシアは、人類の存在、子育て、そして世界を手付かずの豊かな庭園に戻すという目的について、世界を変える洞察を共有しています。彼女は、家族の中で愛を永遠に保つ方法を示しています。彼女の言葉の純粋さと力はあなたの魂を鼓舞し、あなたの奥深くにある喜びに火をつけます。 Ringing Cedars の本。 本は人生のあらゆるトピックに深く触れており、信じられないほどスリリングな読み物です. Kin's Domains のアイデアは、Ringing Cedars シリーズでアナスタシアによって最初に提示されました。

      Ringing Cedars の書籍は、世界中で 3,000 万部以上を売り上げ、20 以上の言語で出版されています。


      キンズ ドメインとは

      キンズ ドメインは 2.5 エーカーの土地で、家族が自分自身とその (将来の) 子供たちのために生きた楽園の庭の家を作り、永遠に受け継いでいきます。あなたの親族の領域は、あなたと神と宇宙とのつながりであり、何世代にもわたるあなたの家族の空間です。

      「私たち一人一人が自分の土地 [1 ヘクタール] の小さな区画を取り、自分の精神全体と精神性全体をまとめ、 非常に小さいが具体的な楽園を作る.彼は私たちの大きな惑星の彼の小さな土地を繁栄する庭に変え、神の模範に従って彼の精神性を物質的に具現化します.






      — ウラジミール・メグレ