Have you seen the Kin's Domain Directory on our main website? https://anastasiausa.land/kins-domains-usa-canada/
It’s a directory of Kin’s Domains (either individual, or people with land they’re offering to start a settlement) in the USA and Canada, and also internationally.
Features of the directory:
- Submit your own Kin’s Domain listing via an easy to use online form
- New listing uploads get processed once a month
- Easy to use map to see locations of Kin’s Domains in the USA, Canada, and internationally
Each listing has the following:
- Names
- Contact info (phone, email, facebook profile, website)
- Location
- Description of the land
- Bio of the person posting
I- f someone is looking for their soulmate
Check out the Kin’s Domain Directory here: https://anastasiausa.land/kins-domains-usa-canada/
It’s sure to grow exponentially over the months and years.
Just so you know, we are the #1 result on Google when someone searches “Ringing Cedars USA”, “Kin’s Domains USA”, “Kin’s Domains Canada”, and other terms, so if you get listed, there’s a good chance you will be found.
If you’d like to be listed, please submit your info via the form that you will find on the Directory page, or by going to the link here: https://anastasiausa.typeform.com/to/Bv6dG6
Many thanks, and many blessings to you in your journey to creating your Kin's Domain.
- Gabriel