Jerry wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:28 pm
As Vladimir's Anastasia said, "I exist for whom I exist".
But I suppose she said it in Russian. Do you know if this can be translated the same as the Hebrew which is rendered as "I am that I am"? I read this as an admission that she does not exist as a flesh and blood human being, while at the same time she is making a claim of divinity. Or rather, Vladimir is making that claim on her behalf.
Greetings Jerry,
I do not know if that translation could be equal to the Russian, but I imagine if it were best expressed by those English words, the translator would have used them since they are commonly known and used. As I understand Anastasia's words, she claims that all of mankind is Divine in nature and each individual has the potential of speeding up his thought to the speed of God's thought.
Regarding previous forums and the previous version of this forum you wrote,
Are you saying that all this material has gone offline now?
Since 2005/6 there have been two very active forums in the years before Gabriel created his first Anastasiausa forum (roughly 2012/13). This current forum is Gabriel's second one, rebuilt after his first one was lost due to an administrative snafu. All of those first three forums along with their posts are no longer on line.
I would be very interested in any information you have about successful strategies for building simple structures, and using them as residences, without getting in trouble with building code officials.
In an earlier post to this discussion I mentioned that I already posted this information in another location on this forum (in Meg's topic regarding Farm exemptions on local zoning laws). I've cut and pasted it here so, readers, please forgive the duplication if you already read it there.
Anyone can also look up their local county codes (here called "Pueblo County Code"). Find the Title or section covering buildings and construction (Title 15 in our county). Read through that for specific language saying who is governed by the code. Here that language is found in 15.32.030 which says "The purpose of the code is to establish uniform, county-wide licensing and administrative provisions for all contractors doing construction work in Pueblo County." Our code actually repeats a version of that three times and nowhere else in Title 15 is found any specific language specifying those over whom the building department has authority. It therefore applies ONLY to contractors and no others, even though the rest of the title is written to appear as though it applies to all people building a structure (but never says so specifically).
The zoning department code is a little slipperier. It never actually states it's scope of authority other than to say it will be implemented through building permits, which, of course, only apply to contractors. So we are free of building and zoning codes legally. But anyone who has tried to get many agencies or departments to recognize and honor such exemptions knows what it feels like to be demonized and bulldozed. To avoid this communicate in writing sent registered or certified mail to the department head and county attorney. In your letter quote the local code that governs them and request that they respond with the specific code that grants them authority over you, who are not a licensed contractor but a private man or woman on private non-commercial land. Give them 21 days to respond (according to shipping law which underlies all government codes and statutes). After 21 days send a second letter stating that if you get no written response within 21 more days, their silence will constitute agreement that you and your non-commercial land are not subject to their administration. Keep the letters as proof for any and all who may question your right to build at will. This record will create an estoppel for any action attempt against you because the county attorneys know it will stand up in any court.
You will find similar restrictions to commercial jurisdiction Anyone can also look up their local county codes (here called "Pueblo County Code"). Find the Title or section covering buildings and construction (Title 15 in our county). Read through that for specific language saying who is governed by the code. Here that language is found in 15.32.030 which says "The purpose of the code is to establish uniform, county-wide licensing and administrative provisions for all contractors doing construction work in Pueblo County." Our code actually repeats a version of that three times and nowhere else in Title 15 is found any specific language specifying those over whom the building department has authority. It applies ONLY to contractors and no others, even though the rest of the title is written to appear as though it applies to all people building a structure (but never says so specifically).
The zoning department code is a little slipperier. It never actually states it's scope of authority other than to say it will be implemented through building permits, which, of course, only apply to contractors. So we are free of building and zoning codes legally. But anyone who has tried to get many agencies or departments to recognize and honor such exemptions knows what it feels like to be demonized and bulldozed. To avoid this communicate in writing sent registered or certified mail to the department head and county attorney. In your letter quote the code that governs them and request that they respond with the specific code that grants them authority over you, who are not a contractor but a private man or woman on private non-commercial land. Give them 21 days to respond (according to shipping law which underlies all government codes and statutes). After 21 days send a second letter stating that if you get no written response within 21 more days, their silence will constitute agreement that you and your non-commercial land are not subject to their administration. Keep the letters as proof for any and all who may question your right to build at will. This record will create an estoppel for any action attempt against you because the county attorneys know it will stand up in any court.
You will find similar restrictions to commercial jurisdiction only, in all your county departments and agencies if you look deep enough and read them literally and carefully without making presumptions about what is meant.
This knowledge of code governing the agency (not the people) has stopped both zoning and building inspectors from proceeding with any actions in States all over the country. The key to success in this is to make sure you know where your LOCAL code is found and keep a printed copy of that section along with your letters to the departments and the county attorney. You will find that few, if any, code inspectors-enforcers or office staff have ever read the codes that govern their agency.
You mentioned a couple times that building codes were good. Theoretically, that can be argued as true. However, are you aware that building codes are not written by independent engineers but rather by companies manufacturing & selling construction products? Building codes are written to garner commercial profit to specific product manufacturers and suppliers. For example, Concrete codes are written by concrete manufacturers. Framing codes are written by lumber mill and lumber warehousing staff, and so on. The collective lobby force of these construction supply companies is huge in state and national Congresses. Also, of the hundreds of thousands of buildings still standing and occupied today that are older than two hundred years (some as old as 1600 years) none would pass today's building code requirements. An engineer I once hired to get around a particularly problematic building code enlightened me on this. Nevertheless, for people with no building experience and no interest in learning sound building principles, load bearing capacities, electrical safety, etc., building codes enforced on contractors is a good idea.
Regarding Wikipedia, you wrote,
Where else are you going to find such a compendium of readily accessible information?
If there's something about David Wynn Miller that's verifiable in court documents, and that does not appear in the article, I could try to get it added. I have a fairly decent record of making edits that stick.
I, personally, am not interested in finding a compendium of readily accessible information such as that found on Wikipedia. I prefer to expand my speed of thought, reasoning capacity, and use only resources I have reviewed and verified myself. I have discovered countless times that "experts" aren't a good source of information from which to build a dream, at least my dream.
Thank you for your kind offer to make Wikipedia edits that stick in regard to David-Wynn: Miller. You have presumed that David-Wynn: Miller is an important figurehead or key to the information and power comprising the Quantum Community Movement, and I haven't rebutted that presumption. Let me do so now. David is no longer living, and while he was once deeply involved in the research and testing of the governing systems of the world, he is certainly not the place one should begin researching the Quantum Movement. This a good example of the Wikipedia experience. Regardless of the number of contributors, you will find only distractions away from any truly empowering or effective information that can free man from the limitations of today's thought-controlling systems. You will not find information proving the facts of any concepts or ideas that are working outside the controlling systems. In my perception, "fixing" Wikipedia is as futile as trying to "fix" government to make it serve one's particular political agenda. Man is not meant to waste his energy fighting these kinds of exterior battles. His potential and purpose is far too great to be lost to battles of this nature. Actually, I don't think any battles are needed. I haven't found that any real changes are made in this way, at least for me. The Quantum community information is out there and can easily be found without me stopping to "fix" Wikipedia. So thank you for your generous offer, but building my dream and the dream of communities in America is my priority. After you learn more about the Quantum community directly from them and why and how they are so powerful in the arena of governments, perhaps then you will wish to make edits in Wikipedia. If that is your dream and your power, then I support that.