For 14 years Ben and I have dreamed our kins domain space of love in Colorado. For the past 7-1/2 years we've lived on our land 17 miles southwest of Pueblo, built our home and off-grid systems, and entered an entirely new dimension as a result of communicating and planning directly with Nature. From the beginning of our dream 14 years ago we've dreamed of following the billionaire model similar to the story in book 8.1, beginning on page 78. In lieu of an actual billion dollars we've come up with our own version of that model. In preparation for our dream we've studied and tested solutions for the blocks that generally prevent the kins domain community experience in America as presented in the RC books. Here is the rough outline of our plan that we have begun to activate (2021).
With our own home and off-grid systems completed, we are able now to help others make the transition a little more easily and faster. We are calling for three more families to join us in forming a four sided foundation; Ben and I plus three other families (one of those is already identified, leaving only two more to show up). That four legged foundation will by their own connection with the nature of their domain form the necessary demonstration and support to expand our group by supporting an additional 35 families, each building their own paradise garden space of love. Ben and I with other volunteers will help the first three families build a home and off grid systems. It is very important that these first families have read and loved the ten books of the Ringing Cedars Series by Vladimir Megre because they must hold that vision and energy in demonstration. After these first three families have moved into their homes here and begun creating a paradise garden lifestyle and space of love on their domains, we will begin to bring in people (families) with specific skills needed for building the larger community. This wave if participants may not necessarily be aware of the kins domain concept but share interest in our goals and methods. We will continue expanding until we have reached the target number of families focused on creating a personal paradise garden space of love.
At the end of the billionaire story in book 8.1 Anastasia told Vladimir, "That means that anybody will want to (see the billionaire story come true) who takes on the role not just of an observer of history, but an actual participant in it. And they will make the story come true." (pg. 115, black cover).
Our goal: To forge a financially supported path in America to a garden-filled Earth by creating a stable thriving demonstration of a variety of transition styles to nature-sustained paradise garden lifestyles in a kins domain space of love, which will be inspirational to anyone anywhere in America.
The first three families MUST bring at least the following characteristics and interests:
1) They have read and loved the ten Books by Vladimir Megre.
2) They have a desire to...
a) ...create a kins domain paradise garden
b) ...plant and nurture a forest on 1/2 or more of 5 unforested acres.
c) ...develop a food garden and forest that will eventually sustain your family Year round.
d) your family from the modern anti-rational social & lifestyle systems.
e) ...interact with Nature more deeply than you ever imagined in order to create a transition to true harmony throughout your domain.
3) These are people who have interest and enjoyment in...
a) ...challenges and creating solutions
b) ...the idea of living with a purpose both individually and in a team that creates benefit for everyone touched by your life at multiple levels.
c) ...contemplation and expanding one's self-awareness.
d) ...transitioning away from being governed, and toward true self-governance.
e) ...the idea of living in the high plains of southern Colorado near foothills and bringing the land's suppressed power into full demonstration.
If this list sounds like you and your family, please contact us. There will be problems to be solved in making such a big change in your family's life, but if this dream excites your soul please don't let those hurdles stop you from exploring the possibility. We know how challenging this kind of change can be and we are prepared to help with much of that and probably more than you think. We would like to have these first three families living here by the end of September. The first will transition in June. You can reach me via email at benjasx1@ to begin exploring the possibilities.
Re: looking for three families
2Hi Joyce...
I simply wish to send a quick "hello", to let you know that I have read your beautiful message/intro, and call for 3 families.
My hope is that we could be one of those families. Myself, Eric (the same Eric--ERL--as the one found on the Telegram group), 48, my wife of 20 years, Roanne (44), and our two kids, Malik (13) and Naomi (10).
We currently live in Québec, and have come to realize that this can no longer be the place to call home. The measures have simply become too drastic, and life as we would desire it, untenable. Of course, leaving our country and reinventing ourselves, especially in the current context, will present its set of challenges, but I feel like Colorado might be and truly calling us.
Of course, I am quite familiar with all nine books (have yet to read the 10th one), and with many ideas around permaculture, and my wife is in the process of finishing the series.
There is much we could talk about and discuss, but I will keep it brief for this first intro email, and look forward to further discussing what we might be able to offer each other's families
I will also send you a PM, via Telegram, in case you find communicating on there easier.
I simply wish to send a quick "hello", to let you know that I have read your beautiful message/intro, and call for 3 families.
My hope is that we could be one of those families. Myself, Eric (the same Eric--ERL--as the one found on the Telegram group), 48, my wife of 20 years, Roanne (44), and our two kids, Malik (13) and Naomi (10).
We currently live in Québec, and have come to realize that this can no longer be the place to call home. The measures have simply become too drastic, and life as we would desire it, untenable. Of course, leaving our country and reinventing ourselves, especially in the current context, will present its set of challenges, but I feel like Colorado might be and truly calling us.
Of course, I am quite familiar with all nine books (have yet to read the 10th one), and with many ideas around permaculture, and my wife is in the process of finishing the series.
There is much we could talk about and discuss, but I will keep it brief for this first intro email, and look forward to further discussing what we might be able to offer each other's families

I will also send you a PM, via Telegram, in case you find communicating on there easier.