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Introducing myself

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:39 pm
by Gwendolyn
Hi Everyone,

I'm Gwendolyn, currently living in southern New Hampshire on a small mountainside. Finishing raising as a single mother three kids who are now mostly grown, I'm now getting back to work as a healer. I trained as a psychologist at Harvard decades ago and am now so grateful we have healing methods that actually work ! to offer people, methods like the Emotional Freedom Technique and Havening. Havening is the cutting edge psychosensory modality I'm certifying in now. If anyone would like to experience a free Havening session, I'd be glad to introduce you to this method that can be done with a therapist/coach and/or as self-help technique, much like the as~yet better known EFT. Feel free to give me a call to explore a session at 978-831-3288. I've always wanted to live in a earth~centered community with my family and haven't given up hope on this! In fact, one day, I hope to be able to gift a large quantity of land somewhere in the US to young mothers and fathers who want to raise their children in the beautiful, natural way that Anastasia inspires. For now, I'm still recovering from years with no child support, etc. as I joyfully get up to speed with 5D earth's amazing, bright, light energies. We can have it all and all the work we've done thus far is making this possible for those of us who choose, consciously, to create a new world together. We can do this! and we have all kinds of support, seen and unseen, for doing it. Looking forward to connecting more, all in perfect timing.

Re: Introducing myself

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:09 pm
by Magicspiritbliss
Welcome Gwendolyn,
Congrats on getting back to work as a healer! I love EFT it is effective in changing things in ones life. Keep up the dream. I am looking to get there too one day.