Biogeometry and a Cohesive Regenerative Balanced Integrative HAPPY Future

I have always believed what Anastasia said, that there is nothing that technology can do that we can’t do, better. I have been observing the ill effects of modern day technology on all levels throughout my life.. it’s bad for everything, even though they promised it would bring us more leisure, more family time, more health, etc., it has done the opposite, and is now literally destroying the planet. I could see no way to fully heal except for in an entirely minimal tech society.

My family, however, couldn’t get on board with that, though they admittedly gave it a good try. We made many buildings, animal shelters and fences out of the trees and clay on our property, learned to go from sheep to handmade gloves, hats, scarves, etc., make all of our own dairy products and nearly all of our food from scratch (grinding our flour by hand for years… now by machine) and even went toilet-paper-less for about a year. But they also love some tech.. they’re writers, musicians, artists, computer animators.. they like some tech in all those venues. And I don’t necessarily want to grind my flour by hand any more, and I really appreciate my hot tub and the pumps that keep our natural swimming pond clean.

So, this past year, something new entered my life that changed my view on technology, something I didn’t at all foresee… BIOGEOMETRY. I’m not going to get into all of the details of what this new, but actually building on ancient, science is, please look it up and read about it some more if this sparks your interest, but rather I’m just going to talk about how it affects my view and use of technology and what it can mean for Kin’s Domains and Communities.

Briefly, Biogeometry gives tools to measure the Quality of anything and everything, from color, sound, angles, music, numbers and shapes, and to determine whether that Quality is in harmony with either a particular person or the general wellbeing of life. With it, we can check the effect of everything we do or make or buy and make sure that it is good for us individually and/or good for all, and, if it isn’t, we can find a way to balance it. There are even ways to balance the ill effects of 5G and vaccinations! We can balance the negative effects of earth gridlines, GMO foods, propane gas and electrosmog in our homes and cars… cell phones, computers, WIFI, etc. Once we balance the negative out of our lives, we find ourselves in a much more healthy body and mind, and find ourselves making healthier and more balanced choices in our lives.

So, we can continue to use what we have while we heal and begin creating more beautiful and wholesome things in our lives. This makes for a much more comfortable and doable transition from what is now an entirely toxic society to what we can envision as being a perfectly healthy and happy world. As we move forward, we will create much more perfect technology that works in harmony with all of creation. So not necessarily low tech at all, but rather truly life enhancing tech, and I suspect that it will still be minimal, but perhaps in a different way than I was thinking.


Re: Biogeometry and a Cohesive Regenerative Balanced Integrative HAPPY Future

Greetings Meg,

Your points are well made and articulate what many feel or will feel.

I've reviewed the biogeometry concept at your suggestion and am glad I did. I appreciate your ideas of using it as a bridge from our techno destructive lifestyles to lifestyles in harmony with all life (nature), particularly our own. We should certainly make all the devices of the dark forces serve our dream. But does this technology really work as such a bridge? This biogeometry technology sounds great but has a subtle element to it. If by buying and using the bio geometry products, man can get an increased degree of relief from the use of electro-magnetic and broadcasting devices, then would he tend to use those devices more or less? If the answer is more, then destruction of life will increase thru the effects of increased and continued production (supply and demand), regardless of the neutralized effects on our own bodies.

But far more important than that, Anastasia says that Man's thought is an energy unparalelled in all of Space (book 6, pg. 148 black cover). Wouldn't the use of biogeometry products to relieve one's ill effects from technology weaken his use of mind/thought rather than strengthen it? It seems almost like a technological medication for the ill effects of technology -- a prosthesis for the mind, as Anastasia once said. In fact, it's interesting to note that major support and funding for this new science is provided by companies that generate some of the most used harmful technological devices. If they can calm the public's concern they stand to gain even more freedom to disregard life for a profit.

In the information I read and listened to there were many wonderful claims of reduced negative physical sensitivities, and increased positive benefits. But all sciences make these kind of claims about their particular products. The problem is that they (the scientists) test only a narrow band of results without comprehension of the whole organism's function and harmony. So, a significant reduction of sensitivities to harmful emissions is only a fragment of information that is misunderstood without comprehension of the whole. Man is not meant to be a bio-robot in which the electrical and chemical mixtures can be technologically adjusted to perfect and protect his organism. Man's mind activity is paramount in his organism and his experiences. Increased awareness of one's mind activity is extremely beneficial to the whole organism. Decreased awareness of one's mind activity is increasingly destructive to the whole of one's organism. Does the use of a bio-geometry device increase or decrease one's awareness of his mind activity and one's capacity to thereby control the energies around and in him? Does the user of these biogeometry products feel better because of the power he unconsciously places in the technology or because of the power awakened in his own mind to consciously control the energies around him as Man is designed to do? The first of those possibilities weakens Man. The second strengthens Man.

It is claimed that the biogeometry technology uses a "subtle energy quality found in the transcendental centers of the forming process of nature ...". That doesn't make sense when all of nature is alive with some degree of thinking capacity. These biogeometry devices are not living nor have any degree of thinking capacity. Is it a technological duplication of some element of life? If so, why is it needed by a living being who posesses the greatest energy in all of Space and the capability of mentally holding all energies in balance?

The forms used in biogeometry are derived from Ancient Egyptian symbols and artifacts. But in that era Man was already well on the downhill technological slide of loss of full conscious awareness and fully susceptible to the cunning of the six priests.

Another biogeometry website quote gives me pause, "BioGeometry provides a viable solution to transform the quality of the effect that electromagnetic radiation has on living systems.". Isn't that saying that the biogeometry technology is greater than Man? That for the people who don't want to or believe they can't use the huge power of their own minds and thought, this technology will provide them with an alternative, a prosthesis?

Each of us must decide for self what path is best to follow to the dream. I choose the expansion of my own thought awareness and capacity so that I don't need a prosthesis. I prefer to take in Earth's information offered to me through the plants grown on my domain for me, and which strengthen my whole being. I am grateful to biogeometry for serving our dream by showing us a clear application of the potential of our minds to transform harmful technological emissions into service of the expansion of the greatest energy in the Universe, our thought.

Thank you, Meg, for bringing this concept forward for examination. I can now see a clear path to expansion of my thought energy for greater benefit to me and to my space of love. I'm grateful.
at Charisma, becoming
one of Earth's most beautiful spots.

Re: Biogeometry and a Cohesive Regenerative Balanced Integrative HAPPY Future

This is a melon plant where I have placed a 135 degree homemade wooden emitter learned from Biogeometry. Further down in the row there are a ½ dozen other plants with leaves smaller than my hand and light green. We are also getting a steady substantial increase in milk since putting Biogeometry corrections on the cows metal water tank.
IMG_20200724_151135.jpg IMG_20200724_151135.jpg Viewed 53357 times 153.21 KiB

Re: Biogeometry and a Cohesive Regenerative Balanced Integrative HAPPY Future

:Joyce-M: wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:48 am If by buying and using the bio geometry products, man can get an increased degree of relief from the use of electro-magnetic and broadcasting devices, then would he tend to use those devices more or less? If the answer is more, then destruction of life will increase thru the effects of increased and continued production (supply and demand), regardless of the neutralized effects on our own bodies.
I feel that you are misunderstanding Biogeometry. It is not a technology or a set of products, but rather a science. It explores the interactions of subtle energies with shapes, angles and numbers. The same principles apply to sounds, colors, textures and tastes. Energy is the ability to create an affect. We’re living in an energy soup with all kinds of waves, or rather bubbles, bombarding us constantly. If you think of it like being in a body of water with waves coming at you from different angles and different amplitudes and frequencies, and how those waves are influencing each other, and then how they affect a body sitting in them, you can get an idea of how we can manipulate waves and their affects by positioning objects which create new waves as they are hit by waves passing by. If we get the waves to resonate, it can create an effect in a similar energy system, as in tuning forks. All waves have harmonics, not just sound waves, so all energy waves can be affected by shapes, numbers and angles. We can amplify the beneficial and delete the harmful using such things as shapes, sounds, colors, numbers, angles, tastes. It’s the reason why you feel healing from various plants in nature.

Biogeometry teaches the use of tools which help a person to tune into his own natural senses that have been blocked by our environment and upbringing. People are so bombarded with toxic waves right now that they haven’t even realized that they have come into resonance with things that are harmful to their bodies and they’re seeking those things out for comfort. Once people get comfortable in a healthy setting again, and learn how to even recognize that setting, they will choose it naturally.

Biogeometry uses the parameter of the energy qualities that are found at sacred power spots as its standard for creating healthy images. That energy quality is always healthful to life. It also gives people a tool for measuring how things are effecting the personal wavelength of any living being, ie, making it stronger or weaker.

In answer to your question, I would say that personally I am using technology much more freely than before… I’m spending way more time on the computer learning a ton about this and engaging with fellow students in chats. Before Biogeometry, after an hour on the computer my ankles would swell, the back of my neck feel gross, I’d be foggy headed and my eyes would hurt. Now, I feel great, except for maybe a bit of stiffness still if sitting too long, but otherwise, I can spend a whole day on the computer and feel great! I can travel without concern for swelling and headaches and brain fog. I can stand at my kitchen stove without feeling hot flashes and weak and lacking air. I can use the blender without having to run and pee. I can measure and test that all of the electric devices that we use every day are actually strengthening to our wavelengths rather than weakening now! And I can have intelligent conversations without forgetting words and stumbling, I can write again! My thoughts are clearer. I feel deeper and more frequent joy and gratitude. I’m walking with a younger skip in my step and planning and taking on many more projects.

So, yes, some people may use technology more, but then they can also start to think and act their way to a better life. Once people understand the way energy works, not only can they heal themselves and their environments, they will also quickly begin to create devices which utilize that energy without creating harm.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:48 am But far more important than that, Anastasia says that Man's thought is an energy unparalelled in all of Space (book 6, pg. 148 black cover). Wouldn't the use of biogeometry products to relieve one's ill effects from technology weaken his use of mind/thought rather than strengthen it? It seems almost like a technological medication for the ill effects of technology -- a prosthesis for the mind, as Anastasia once said. In fact, it's interesting to note that major support and funding for this new science is provided by companies that generate some of the most used harmful technological devices. If they can calm the public's concern they stand to gain even more freedom to disregard life for a profit.
Can’t imagine where you’ve gotten that info… please share more detail! It is simply the opposite of that from my experience with the Karims. I was lucky enough to take foundation training with his 2 daughters, who have worked with commercial dairies and egg farms to completely eliminate the need for pharmaceutical chemicals. When they wanted to publish their findings they were put off due to “stepping on toes.” Dr. Karim worked with Swisscom in Sweden because the towns asked him to help when the people were literally at the point of tearing down cell towers for their destruction of life and health. Other than that, many have wanted the big tech companies to embrace Biogeometry, hoping that the Satellites will install it upfront so that the waves coming down will not be harmful. Honestly, every technology there is could be made beneficial with Biogeometry but as far as I know there are no companies working with it. Please give me your sources. (Just because companies aren’t putting it on the front end, doesn’t mean people can’t correct it on their end… we are already witnessing the reduction of harmful effects on the world thanks to this science and other related activities (including directly using our thought/prayer).
:Joyce-M: wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:48 am In the information I read and listened to there were many wonderful claims of reduced negative physical sensitivities, and increased positive benefits. But all sciences make these kind of claims about their particular products. The problem is that they (the scientists) test only a narrow band of results without comprehension of the whole organism's function and harmony. So, a significant reduction of sensitivities to harmful emissions is only a fragment of information that is misunderstood without comprehension of the whole.
As I explained above, this is not a “technology,” but rather a science, and it is based on the whole of life, harmony and well being.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:48 am Man is not meant to be a bio-robot in which the electrical and chemical mixtures can be technologically adjusted to perfect and protect his organism. Man's mind activity is paramount in his organism and his experiences. Increased awareness of one's mind activity is extremely beneficial to the whole organism. Decreased awareness of one's mind activity is increasingly destructive to the whole of one's organism. Does the use of a bio-geometry device increase or decrease one's awareness of his mind activity and one's capacity to thereby control the energies around and in him? Does the user of these biogeometry products feel better because of the power he unconsciously places in the technology or because of the power awakened in his own mind to consciously control the energies around him as Man is designed to do? The first of those possibilities weakens Man. The second strengthens Man.
I am 100% in agreement with that paragraph and feel that this science is extremely helpful for man to learn to understand and consciously control the energies around him.


Re: Biogeometry and a Cohesive Regenerative Balanced Integrative HAPPY Future

Greetings Meg,

Sorry it's taken so long to respond. This is our most demanding time of year.
megdcl wrote: Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:20 pmCan’t imagine where you’ve gotten that info… please share more detail! It is simply the opposite of that from my experience with the Karims. ... Dr. Karim worked with Swisscom in Sweden because the towns asked him to help when the people were literally at the point of tearing down cell towers for their destruction of life and health. Other than that, many have wanted the big tech companies to embrace Biogeometry, hoping that the Satellites will install it upfront so that the waves coming down will not be harmful. Honestly, every technology there is could be made beneficial with Biogeometry but as far as I know there are no companies working with it. Please give me your sources."
I got the info from the interview with Doreya Karim that you linked in a post under the Ubuntu topic. I had to listen again in order to get the specifics of that. I may have made assumptions about what I heard without the advantage of your inside information, but at minute 6:13 she spoke of a second independent study in Switzerland (not Sweden) "done in collaboration with the government and with SwissCom". Then at 57:19 she said about the government and SwissCom, "They brought us. They allowed us to do the work."

So with that out of the way, let me pursue this comment:
. I feel that you are misunderstanding Biogeometry.
You might be right and I'd love to have a more correct comprehension. So far, the more I look into it the more I don't want it because I want to continue the inner work which expands the direct awareness and management of my thoughts, which is the most powerful force in all of Space according to Anastasia and according to my experience. That inner work requires the 'pressure' from unwanted outer experiences in order to expand conscious awareness of my inner thought patterns causing the outer effects in my experiences.

The second time listening to the interview brought up more thoughts that I'd like to share. You've said more than once "it's not a technology, it's a science". I don't disagree that it's a science but that doesn't preclude that it has also resulted in a technology. Nor does the fact that biogeometry is a science, make it good for Man and life. It's not the One science that the priest's broke into many in order to disconnect the people from their nature and innate power (their own thought). In the video interview Doreya referred several times to "this technology". She showed examples of biogeometry technology devices and applications and mentioned the things that could be purchased on their website (technology).

Doreya said that the technology and testing is all about the symptoms and that in one test they had 90% success in mitigating the symptoms of the use of the drug 'interferon' (the #1 prescription drug at that time). Why "mitigate" a drug's effects for people who are still taking it? Or did I misunderstand her statements again? She also spoke of addressing environmental issues. It sounds to me like a repeat of the interferon study situation again. Why address the environmental issues while the people are still living the lifestyle that is causing the problems in the environment (still taking the pills)?

Doreya said "electric cars are very good for the environment...but not for the body of the driver and passengers". That's a very good example of why the priest's split up the One science into many. The various sciences are ignorant of each other's work and knowledge and they work at counterpurposes. Electric cars are overwhelmingly NOT good for the environment. Not only are they still requiring the same planet harming mining, manufacturing, pollution, and distribution methods, but the ones that are recharged from household electricity are creating a huge demand for increased coal mining to produce the electricity they consume (including multiple kinds of off road electric vehicles and toys). If something is harmful to the body, thought is involved and it's also harmful to the environment and vice versa.

According to the interview "energy is the ability to produce effects." It is also true that "thought energy produces effects". But biogeometry doesn't appear to be studying the effects of thought, "the unparalleled force in all of space". They are mitigating the effects of man's unmanaged thought allowing people to depend on the devices rather than expand conscious awareness of their thought. You've said that biogeometry is a good transition but how can that be when those who use the biogeometry technology and principles have submitted their own unparalleled force, which is thought, to the lesser technology of the biogeometry science and they remain unaware of the role of their own thought in the experience?

Doreya said they have 90% success in eliminating symptoms. That remaining 10% is critically important. It means there are factors at work that haven't been considered. Mr. Karim told a medical group to "consider the environment as a form of preventive medicine". This is what he is doing, and he's missing the key element as is the medical science. That key element is man's thought. Doreya didn't mention thought in her talk except as a "beneficial effect of "this technology". She seems to have little or no awareness of the working of the unparalleled force in all of space, Man's thought. She sees the improvement of thought as the result of correct use of "this technology", which is how she described the mental/emotional improvements of the church people in the second Switzerland study.

I believe people may be unconsciously using their thought force to empower the biogeometry devices because they don't know the potential in the direct management of their thought power. And I don't see that as a particularly good thing. Like all the separated sciences, biogeometry practices may tend to disconnect people from their true nature and innate power and teach them to project their thought power to a new and improved science and technology. It changes the effects of man's thought without man's conscious involvement with his thought and its conscious expansion. That still leaves people powerless to 'directly manage' their thought for expanding love, joy and harmony in their lives and relationships. Medications do the same thing. How is this a good transition to a lifestyle built from greater conscious awareness?

My last point is about Doreya's discussion of Sacred power spots and how the biogeometry methods are measuring and recreating that healing energy and "super-imposing" it in people's homes. As I understand Anastasia's messages about creating a Space of Love on ones plot of land, and as I have experienced the effect of creating and living in an ever-expanding Space of Love, every kins domain that is made into a Space of Love accomplishes the same thing except not superimposed. It's the same as creating a sacred power spot that always and effortlessly emanates from every particle of one's own homeland.

I've experienced the same positive results you described in your previous posts but not as a result of biogeometry. That and more has been the result of expanding my awareness of my thought activity and my skill at re-aligning my thought to Divine Love (divine program). That expansion was accomplished through the daily inner work of consciously building a Space of Love.

After more carefully listening to Doreya's interview a second time I feel even more strongly that biogeometry is not providing a particularly good transition to a lifestyle of greater conscious awareness, but rather may simply be allowing people to feel better while staying uninvolved with and unaware of their own thought power at work in their lives, bodies and environment. I don't have the knowledge and experience you do with this science and it's product applications, and you may be right about it being a good transition, but for now, I'll stay with the process of creating an ever expanding Space of Love, sacred power spot on my homeland with my thought. Every step of that work increases my conscious ability to wield the unparalleled force in all of Space. While that's my preference, I know it's a path of great inner pressure at times. I could never deny the attraction and perhaps some degree of benefit that use of biometrics may offer for periodic relief from that sometimes intense inner work of expanding thought awareness and re-aligning thought patterns to allow the experience of a stable Space of Love (sacred power spot). Biometrics certainly can be made to serve that end goal as can all experience but I don't quite understand why empower that science and avoid the work of regaining the full awareness and conscious use of the One science, which is the source of all the fragmented sciences, unifies all of it and is comprehended and wielded by anyone only through one's thought.

I'm interested in hearing how this works for you to expand your thought awareness and skill in managing your thought patterns, as you apply it to more and more areas of your outer experience.
at Charisma, becoming
one of Earth's most beautiful spots.

Re: Biogeometry and a Cohesive Regenerative Balanced Integrative HAPPY Future

:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pm "done in collaboration with the government and with SwissCom". Then at 57:19 she said about the government and SwissCom, "They brought us. They allowed us to do the work."
Being hired by someone to do a specific job is a far cry from being “funded by” as you said in your first statement. Should he have refused an offer to work for the well being of those people, animals and nature out of scruples? I’m disappointed by this apparent deliberate misuse of words by you.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmThat inner work requires the 'pressure' from unwanted outer experiences in order to expand conscious awareness of my inner thought patterns causing the outer effects in my experiences.
Yes, but you don’t place yourself in a cesspool to begin with. You create the best you can create and then the residual is what continues to refine.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pm It's not the One science that the priest's broke into many in order to disconnect the people from their nature and innate power (their own thought).
How do you know that it’s not? I attended an online Conference recently with the Vesica Instiute who’s goal is to create a “Universal Spiritual Science.” There were scientists and doctors from fiields such as Cymatics (the study of the effect of sound on matter), the Sacred Geometry of Energy Production at the Cellular Level ( ... e-preview/), and several other doctors and scientists working with subtle energies, including Dr. Karim as the keynote speaker. The Science that I am seeing emerge explains why all of the natural healing and balancing modalities known to man work… ie, martial arts, Ayurdevic, Chinese Traditional Medicine, aromatherapy, sound therapy, color therapy, acupuncture, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Feng Shui, etc. It is cohesive and universal and simply game changing on so many levels. It’s time humanity learns the truth!

The Science is now being revealed. Rudolph Steiner was revealing it last century, but was killed for it, and then had his reputation dragged through the mud so that few paid attention. Now it’s coming out from so many sources that it can’t be stopped. We have the ability to mitigate the horrible effects of the current technology that is being used against humanity and it would be inhumane not to use it. It’s already being done, whether people are aware or not, things are being changed… if they were not we’d be soon extinct.

(Also, I don’t know if you are aware that there are 2 sets of Egyptian ruins, with the older, deeper set being thought to be 35,000 years old.)
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pm
Doreya said that the technology and testing is all about the symptoms
It’s all about the “effect on man”… this is the unit of measure that is applied in Biogeometry. What is good for the human being is good for all of life.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pm and that in one test they had 90% success in mitigating the symptoms of the use of the drug 'interferon' (the #1 prescription drug at that time). Why "mitigate" a drug's effects for people who are still taking it?
It’s meeting people where they’re at. When someone is on a drug that they believe they need in order to save their life, it can be extremely helpful to remove the harmful symptoms of that drug first, so the person can start to think clearly and make better choices.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmWhy address the environmental issues while the people are still living the lifestyle that is causing the problems in the environment (still taking the pills)?
When people are immersed in toxicity and are full of parasites, their emotions and thoughts are not coming from a healthy place. Clearing the air is a great place to start, IMO. I get that you feel that people need to feel the compression until the point where they “get it”.. maybe we’re finally there, enough people “get it” and it’s time to get on with our new future. Now we have a mess to clean up, and here we have tools to make that a joy rather than a burden.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmDoreya said "electric cars are very good for the environment...but not for the body of the driver and passengers".
You have read way more into this statement than exists… she is just acknowledging that perhaps some people feel this is a benefit, but her main point is that they are horrible for the human body. Again, once corrections are made, people will be able to feel when something is off, they will start to intuitively know when they have gone against Nature.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmAccording to the interview "energy is the ability to produce effects." It is also true that "thought energy produces effects". But biogeometry doesn't appear to be studying the effects of thought, "the unparalleled force in all of space". They are mitigating the effects of man's unmanaged thought allowing people to depend on the devices rather than expand conscious awareness of their thought.
No, just clearing the air… few people are thinking clearly right now. We definitely become aware of the power of our thought in the further study of Biogeometry. We can see and actually measure its effects, and find what practices help improve our abilities. No longer do we have to rely on gurus or experts to tell us what we need to do, we can measure and decide for ourselves if it is worth our efforts.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmYou've said that biogeometry is a good transition but how can that be when those who use the biogeometry technology and principles have submitted their own unparalleled force, which is thought, to the lesser technology of the biogeometry science and they remain unaware of the role of their own thought in the experience?
Completely untrue… you are only looking at the lowest level of Biogeometry, the person who buys a few of the tools and uses them. The Science of Biogeometry puts the human being at the Center of Everything.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmDoreya said they have 90% success in eliminating symptoms. That remaining 10% is critically important. It means there are factors at work that haven't been considered.
There always are… people have choices about whether to get well, some will always choose, on some level, to stay ill.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmMr. Karim told a medical group to "consider the environment as a form of preventive medicine". This is what he is doing, and he's missing the key element as is the medical science. That key element is man's thought.
The environment is critical to the development of man’s thought. There is so much going on in our subconscious programming and our disturbed biology that we can’t even begin to think clearly. To create a place of calm and peace, as in the power centers of the planet, is essential for humanity to start to think clearly.

People are seriously messed up! They are so far gone in every realm due the incredibly toxic environment. Cleaning that environment up so that people can start to feel and think again seems to be a very compassionate solution. Expecting them to continue to be compressed by their experience until they pop is harsh, especially since they haven’t consciously chosen the toxic experience that they are living in.

I’ve seen what it’s like to try and give healthy food to someone used to a very toxic diet… it’s extremely uncomfortable, they may even choose to not eat. It’s very harsh to expect someone to leap from something so intensely destructive to something so strongly healing. I’ve also seen it with animals. You have to go slowly… you have to start to give them a little bit at a time, or their system will be overwhelmed, they may even die!

Biogeometry can be used very subtly. You can take someone’s cigarettes and put them on an emitter every day, (simply a 135 degree angle, anyone can make it), and in time the person no longer wants the cigarettes. No harsh withdrawal, it’s just over, the hold is no longer there.
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmShe sees the improvement of thought as the result of correct use of "this technology", which is how she described the mental/emotional improvements of the church people in the second Switzerland study.
Exactly… who can think clearly when they are bombarded by electrosmog and stress of every kind?
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmI believe people may be unconsciously using their thought force to empower the biogeometry devices because they don't know the potential in the direct management of their thought power. And I don't see that as a particularly good thing. Like all the separated sciences, biogeometry practices may tend to disconnect people from their true nature and innate power and teach them to project their thought power to a new and improved science and technology. It changes the effects of man's thought without man's conscious involvement with his thought and its conscious expansion. That still leaves people powerless to 'directly manage' their thought for expanding love, joy and harmony in their lives and relationships. Medications do the same thing. How is this a good transition to a lifestyle built from greater conscious awareness?
Again, I feel your image of the “Biogeometry devices” is mistaken. In the Science of Biogeometry, shapes, angles and numbers can be used to enhance the quality of the energy in an object, being or space. It is simply the way Nature works, and using that to create an amazingly healthy space. It’s not complicated or technological, and doesn’t require “devices” other than what is found in nature. Our hand makes the same shape as the “L’s” that are sold on Biogeometry websites. By truly understanding the way nature works, how matter is formed, how energy moves about us and enhances or detracts from life, we can arrange our spaces and creations to the greatest benefit of all.

I honestly can’t see the slightest bit of “bad” in any of this, except for your concern that mankind won’t fully wake up and will trade one technology for another. That can only happen if man is ruled and controlled by other people as they are now. Then I could see a combination of “good feeling” technology along with “control tech,” some sort of AI, and that would be very bad. The story about the other civilization where the man lives in a pod that feeds him exactly what he needs and then puts him to sleep at the time it determines is a good illustration of “what could go wrong.”

Biogeometry is the opposite of that scenario, IMO, because the man will easily be able to check himself and then make a decision about what he wants to eat, and can even decide whether or not he wants to check himself before eating. This is where we get our power to say “no” to all control structures over our personal body… the gov’t, the doctors, the “experts,” and even specialized computers can no longer tell us what we need because we are all equally capable of seeing that for ourselves and then making the conscious decision of whether or not we want it.

Perhaps the concern about this technology being in use in ancient Egypt, where there were already power structures and initiation procedures and such, is part of your mistrust of it. It is true that at least in part of the Egyptian history it is clear that the “sacred knowledge” was only allowed for a few, it wasn’t common knowledge.

This is where I feel this moment in history is unique onto itself… for the first time in any known history, Truth will be known to all and there is no way that we can be lorded over once that is realized across the board. No more princes and priests, secret societies, etc. We will finally be able to live happily in small communities, powerful enough to provide for ourselves, heal ourselves and defend ourselves from outside attacks, as we will all have the power and knowledge of deflection… if you try to send something negative to me, it will bounce off and hit you, probably not a good idea to send a bomb or a bullet or an evil eye. :-)
:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:32 pmMy last point is about Doreya's discussion of Sacred power spots and how the biogeometry methods are measuring and recreating that healing energy and "super-imposing" it in people's homes. As I understand Anastasia's messages about creating a Space of Love on ones plot of land, and as I have experienced the effect of creating and living in an ever-expanding Space of Love, every kins domain that is made into a Space of Love accomplishes the same thing except not superimposed. It's the same as creating a sacred power spot that always and effortlessly emanates from every particle of one's own homeland.
I’m sure you’ve heard of structured water… there are many ways to create it, it can be made by passing water over a vortex… this can be done naturally through a stream, or it can be done by using a “device” which you place over a bottle and pass the water through. Either way, you get “structured water” which is more healthy for you. Obviously, the stream water would be ideal, no need for a “device” that had to be manufactured, but not everyone can access the stream water. So, using the device is one way to get healthier water, which will help people to rehydrate and feel better and be able to take action to maybe get out into nature and get some stream water (though that’s not necessarily a healthy thing to do in most parts of the world right now). Water can also be structured through prayer, or through beautiful music, certain words (which are our expression of our thought forms), lightening, or exposure to different colored lights, etc…. some people may insist that only prayer (thought) should be used, and that’s what I feel like you’re doing here. Healthy water is important for everyone and people are much less likely to start thinking clear thoughts while they’re drinking unhealthy water. Let’s not be scrupulous about the little bit of “technology” that might be used in this case.

[With Biogeometry, the #11, as in 11 of something, like 11 stones, or 11 staples in a piece of tape is one way of structuring water, which can be measured as the level of “BG3” in the water. You can also structure water or any other beverage by building in BG3 into the container… a certain bottle shape (Guinness bottles are awesome!), using colors placed at certain positions (the use of angles), applying number combinations, etc.…. more tools, same goal… I can pray every day over all of our water, or put the tool to work. When I pray, or direct my thought, the effect only lasts a moment, but the tool holds the effect for me when I’m not thinking about it.]

When Doreya says “superimpose” she is just trying to describe how a place that wasn’t a natural power spot can become one. It isn’t artificial, it is a Power Spot. Each one is going to be unique, but it will provide a healing, calming environment where people can think and act out of their best capacity. It is no more super-imposed than your Space of Love, in that it wasn’t one by Nature alone, but rather created by your action on the Space.

As to how all of this applies to community, here is finally the One Science which can be studied and applied and the results measured as to their effect on Man. Communities can’t have cohesiveness without agreeing on what is true and what is good. There is also a history of failed or struggling communities due to the harshness of trying to live with less technology in today’s world with poorer health, knowledge and skills and the poor health of soils, flora and fauna. There are communities in Russia running power lines now because of this. Applying biodynamics and Biogeometry this summer made a big difference in just one season for us in more milk and larger and healthier vegetables, and I expect next year to be even better. This is our Space of Love which we’ve been developing for 15 years… many people have told us that they notice a special energy here. But it has been very laborious. For those who haven’t been raised this way, the workload would be overwhelming. I believe in a life of abundance, including time to do all the things we love to do, including lounging, hanging out, and being entirely “unproductive” if we feel like it. The homestead shouldn’t be a place of burden, where grown children run from when they can finally get away from the chores, the weeding, etc., and never look back, as have those of past generations. If some simple knowledge of ways of arranging things can ramp up the growth of the plants, prevent diseases, give us more energy, quickly clear the toxic effects of the past centuries, and those that are getting exponentially bombarded at us in this moment, and generally make all our work more productive so we have more time for true leisure, then I’m all in! Besides, the cat’s out of the bag, there’s no way I can’t “do Biogeometry” now, it is a beautiful part of my life bringing me to a greater awareness and appreciation of everything around me.

With Love,

Re: Biogeometry and a Cohesive Regenerative Balanced Integrative HAPPY Future

Greetings Meg,

We've moved into our last warm days which are needed for wet work (earth plastering in our case) and so taking time for forum activity is challenging. We had our first freeze and several inches of snow last week which was only two days short of the record for early freeze. It's time to wrap up summer work and move toward winter (my favorite time of year).
You wrote,
I’m disappointed by this apparent deliberate misuse of words by you.
There has been no deliberate misuse of words by me, Meg and I'm puzzled over why you would identify a differing perspective as "deliberate misuse of words". But be that as it may, I still do not perceive a difference in being paid to do a job and being "funded by" that income source for that job. I did not criticize the Karim group for accepting that funding. I took note of it as important information.

One of the most important comments you shared was in response to my statement that Biogeometry is not the One science. You wrote,
How do you know that it’s not? I attended an online Conference recently with the Vesica Instiute who’s goal is to create a “Universal Spiritual Science.
That's a brilliant question and one that's important to answer. I've 'felt' the nature of the One science since 1994, long before reading the RC books in 2007. But I have never experienced a need to verbally express that which I've been able to feel. Thank you for providing that push to decode those feelings into words. As I have "felt" the One science, it requires at least the following 5 points of characteristics and activity in order to be described minimally:
1) It covers everything in Nature both physical and non-physical.
2) It produces everything both physical and non-physical.
3) It functions with purpose.
4) The Nature of it is perfection.
5) It answers all questions.

With that as my definition of the One science that I personally feel, it appears to me that Biogeometry does not fit the qualities and function of the One science. You said that it explains why all the "natural healing and balancing modalities known to man work…" then you named several. But it doesn't explain why the German New Medicine principles work (based on bringing thought to awareness and using thought to resolve trauma, which allows the body to heal from any illness). German New Medicine principles are the only healing method I've encountered that has worked 100% of the time for me personally. I don't see that biogeometry produces everything in nature, nor that it answers all questions. Regarding the Vesica group, it would seem that they also do not consider biogeometry to be the One science since their goal as you stated it is to "create" a Universal Spiritual science, and since they've included several other sciences to participate. They would be more likely to succeed if their goal were to "discover" the One science rather than 'create' it (which you said was their goal). In book 8.1, pg. 21 (black cover), Anastasia said, about the One science, "I have decided that something needs to be done so that people living on their domains can be free from the burden of so many household tasks. Or almost free. So that they can have time to think and reflect. This is possible -- if you understand God's intent in creating our world. I find delight in the science of getting to know His thoughts. It is certainly the grandest science of all, and is something that must be known.". She then gave an example with why the birds fly south for the winter but do not stay there. Biogeometry doesn't answer these kinds of questions.
We have the ability to mitigate the horrible effects of the current technology that is being used against humanity and it would be inhumane not to use it.
I've never suggested that it should not be used. I've said it may be beneficial for some but its not for me. I don't think I agree that it would be inhumane not to use it but I accept that as your opinion. I don't see that respecting each man's own thought and the right to experience it's results is in any way inhumane.
...there are 2 sets of Egyptian ruins, with the older, deeper set being thought to be 35,000 years old
I didn't know that but I've done a lot of research into archaeological dating and most of it has been proven to be seriously flawed. What is 'thought to be' and what 'is' are often wildly disparate. I am therefore prevented from accepting archaeological dating as a 'real' factor. we have tools to make that a joy (the cleanup) rather than a burden.
I've not seen or experienced the cleanup as a burden. In fact, if it is experienced as a burden, the thought patterns holding "burden" as the 'reality' of one's experience haven't yet been cleaned up.
… few people are thinking clearly right now.
This is true but I think you may have the cart before the horse. People aren't being prevented from thinking clearly because of pollution or electromagnetic waves or poor food. It's the other way around, people have created (allowed and supported) the life diminishing elements around them because of their chaotic thinking. Some people are regaining their deeper self awareness in the presence of these polluting factors. Correcting the pollutants is great but it won't fix the thinking nor do I believe it can make the task easier. It may make it harder. In book 8.1, pg. 223 (Black cover) Anastasia says, "To attain the required understanding, Man needs to refrain from destroying His (God's) programme and to study for all he's worth and ascertain the purpose of everything on the earth.".
The Science of biogeometry puts the human being at the Center of Everything.
I have not seen that written in any of the places I've looked, any of the videos or interviews, or the articles I've read about biogeometry. Besides, what does that statement even mean? Placing the human being at the center of everything does not mean "placing human thought at the source of everything Man experiences". Much of your last post has been about telling me I've misunderstood or misinterpreted what I've read and heard directly from the voices and pens of the Karim family, and how I 'should' see it (how you see it?). It seems like you are suggesting that I should reject my own reasoning based on the information I've found and reviewed, but without offering information directly from the biogeometry scientists. You mentioned my "mistrust" of biogeometry and even suggested a possible reason for it. I don't believe I have a "mistrust" of this science. I believe I understand clearly that for me, using this technology would reduce my speed of thought (by supplanting it), and limit or slow the expansion of my skill of discovering and correcting my thought (by disconnecting me, at least temporarily, from the direct experience of my thought). This isn't mistrust. It's clear reasoning from the factors I've discovered in biogeometry and the factors I've discovered through direct experience of my thought. Your desire to instruct me on how I should interpret what the Karim family has said and done will not alter those factors for me. Perhaps they will influence other readers of these posts and I have no problem with that. "Each one must learn to make sense of things, to determine what is true, with his own soul". Book 4, pg. 43. Black cover.

You said it was completely untrue that people submit their thought to biogeometry principles. are only looking at the lowest level of Biogeometry, the person who buys a few of the tools and uses them.
I suspect this will be the majority of users; but whether it is or not, is thought the unparalleled force in all of space, or is that the principles of Biogeometry? Where should I look to read or hear the Karim family members saying that thought is the greater active force in the biogeometry principles, not the effect? Thought is definitely the active force in the One science (providing the 'purpose' from and for which it functions).
The environment is critical to man's thought.
Yes it is, but not as a restricting power (greater power) over thought, but rather as the effect of thought and therefore critical to finding and correcting the relevant thought patterns. I have not found my subconscious realms of mind to be a problem but rather I've found the subconscious extremely cooperative and supportive to expanding awareness of my thought patterns in the manner best for me. I only have to define what I want from it. In this same point you wrote, "Expecting them (people) to continue to be compressed by their experience until they pop is harsh". It wasn't harsh for me, nor is it still. It was and is exactly as it needed to be and provided me with the exact motivation I needed. I wouldn't change a thing about the expansion of my thought awareness.
...except for your concern that mankind won’t fully wake up and will trade one technology for another. That can only happen if man is ruled and controlled by other people as they are now.
Again, I think you have the cart before the horse. It's not the rulers that limit man's thought. It's man's thought that allowed and perhaps even required the controlling rulers (priests). That's why Anastasia told us to find our "mistake" that allowed man to inadvertently create this experience of false "powerlessness". She didn't tell us to find the priests and stop them from limiting our thought.
...the gov’t, the doctors, the “experts,” and even specialized computers can no longer tell us what we need because we are all equally capable of seeing that for ourselves
That's already true without biogeometry. However, biogeometry will be attractive to those who believe they are not free to say no to the authority of experts and systems.

Yes, I do know about structured water and that there are many ways to structure water. However, Dr. Emoto clearly showed that the greatest force in structuring water is man's thought. For those who do not want to manage their thought in such ways, biogeometry may offer a relief from self-generated limitation. Regardless of that, 'structured' water is an attempt to gain the power and benefit of living water without actually making the changes that allow living water to be a part of our daily lives (clearly given in book 8.1, pg 41, black cover.)
The homestead shouldn’t be a place of burden, where grown children run from when they can finally get away from the chores, the weeding, etc., and never look back, as have those of past generations.
That is absolutely true and VERY important. If grown children run from the homestead and never look back it's because we gave them a lifestyle of burden and no thought patterns for creating solutions other than escape. I've been on my homestead for 7 years. During the first year here there were only five very sparse edible plant varieties and two varieties of grasses from April till winter. This spring and summer, 7 years later, we have over 90 varieties of edibles and 12 varieties of grasses and sedges, and it was a severe drought year. I planted none of them not did I provide them with watered. It was nature's response to our love and thought. When you walk from our land to neighboring lots, you do not see the same variety of plants as we have here. We do not weed or irrigate (although we do water new trees for the first year). We have planted gardens but they take care of themselves with heavy straw mulch which we apply only once each autumn. Our chores are minor and take very little time or effort because we used the power of our thought and our connection with nature to devise systems that are harmonious to our domain and to ourselves. Our time is available for joy and enjoyment which is how we choose to use it. The work of living here is not backbreaking. I enjoy hardwork and I get that in building our structures each summer. Next year we'll be building our first community building (already started).

I have not said that biogeometry should not be used. I have said only that it's not for me and I've explained why that is my choice. I don't see it as a particularly good transition tool so I don't use it. I've examined it carefully because of your recommendation to do so and I'm grateful for that recommendation. I've seen enough factors in my review to know that it's not my path. I treasure the results and the freedom of learning to master my own thought, the unparalleled force in all of space.
at Charisma, becoming
one of Earth's most beautiful spots.

Re: Biogeometry and a Cohesive Regenerative Balanced Integrative HAPPY Future

:Joyce-M: wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:11 pm it appears to me that Biogeometry does not fit the qualities and function of the One science..

Yes, I agree, Biogeometry is just part of the whole. Since our last discussions, I took the Advanced Course in Biogeometry and have continued to study with fellow students and my own research. I was very excited about all the “new” to me material in BG, but I now appreciate how it fits into the bigger picture. I still have not found a better course for understanding the nature of how life works for a relative noob, but there are many others out there who have much to contribute to the subject.

I’m so glad you mentioned German New medicine and that’s amazing that you’ve had such great results with it. After reading this, I did some research and combined some tools of GNM with BG tools and got some pretty cool results. It turned out that one of my fellow students had taught GNM for 20 some years, so we had much to talk about! It would be very interesting if you would sometime start a thread on your use of GNM principles for healing.

GNM does dovetail very nicely with BG, and also with the little book that is connected with the Ringing Cedars movement called “The Power of Luck.” There is a energetic spot that is actually visible on scans that corresponds to memories of various traumatic events in our lives. That spot then directly correlates with a particular spot in the body where the body is attempting to heal itself of that imbalance. With BG, I was able to locate the spot on a brain map and then find the resonance with the issue in the body, healing the spot in the brain also brought healing to the spot in the body!!

In “The Power of Luck,” you are directed to rewrite the memory of an unpleasant event making it become something light and funny. It was interesting to see that the memory that I had corrected several years ago using that method was not to be found on my brain map, so that method worked! But it did take many nights of visualizing the new scenario to re-imprint my brain, while the BG method allowed me to clear dozens of “spots” in one sitting.

Dr. Karim also teaches a “Healing the Cracked Steps of Life” method which would also relate to how these memories continue to cause disturbances.
(Black cover) Anastasia says, "To attain the required understanding, Man needs to refrain from destroying His (God's) programme and to study for all he's worth and ascertain the purpose of everything on the earth.".
Amen, sister, that’s what I’m doing!!
The Science of biogeometry puts the human being at the Center of Everything. I have not seen that written in any of the places I've looked, any of the videos or interviews, or the articles I've read about biogeometry. Besides, what does that statement even mean? Placing the human being at the center of everything does not mean "placing human thought at the source of everything Man experiences".
BG teaches to put our thought or our focus on the Center. It certainly acknowledges that our attention is creating our reality. And BG teaches that we are to come into harmony with that Center for our highest good.

The BG3 quality is the harmonizing, healing quality that is found at Sacred Power Spots (in dolmens). BG teaches how to measure for that quality and to increase it in everything.

is thought the unparalleled force in all of space, or is that the principles of Biogeometry? Where should I look to read or hear the Karim family members saying that thought is the greater active force in the biogeometry principles, not the effect? Thought is definitely the active force in the One science (providing the 'purpose' from and for which it functions).
Yes, thought is the cause of all things. I don’t recall that ever being contradicted in anything I learned in BG.
"Expecting them (people) to continue to be compressed by their experience until they pop is harsh". It wasn't harsh for me, nor is it still. It was and is exactly as it needed to be and provided me with the exact motivation I needed. I wouldn't change a thing about the expansion of my thought awareness.
Same here.
..."except for your concern that mankind won’t fully wake up and will trade one technology for another. That can only happen if man is ruled and controlled by other people as they are now." Again, I think you have the cart before the horse. It's not the rulers that limit man's thought. It's man's thought that allowed and perhaps even required the controlling rulers (priests). That's why Anastasia told us to find our "mistake" that allowed man to inadvertently create this experience of false "powerlessness". She didn't tell us to find the priests and stop them from limiting our thought.
Yep, true.
.I treasure the results and the freedom of learning to master my own thought, the unparalleled force in all of space.
Yes, awesome, and you are a great example of that. I am learning the power of my thought more and more through the practice of BG and the gifts shared by my fellow students… we continue to get together weekly and discuss a variety of topics, very grateful for that community! Perhaps I needed to be able to “measure” to see the actual effects, to be able to believe in the power of my thought.

Sorry it took so long to reply… I started to reply a couple of times and never finished before now. Happy Spring!!
