Ringing Cedars of Russia Forum | Anastasia Foundation
A forum where all English-speaking readers of the Ringing Cedars of Russia / Anastasia series of books by Vladimir Megre can meet other readers, share ideas, and find others to create Kin's Domains with! https://anastasia.foundation/forum/
We also have several friends on the island who, while they have yet to read the books, are already interested in this kind of lifestyle. I am searching for a legal way to organize a small group land purchase, since land is extremely expensive here. I have little personal experience in farming, but I've been making up for that in research. I've been intently studying permaculture, including all 72 hours of Bill Mollison's PDC lectures ("All the world's problems can be solved in a garden"...so on point with everything Anastasia says). I've been taking small farm business courses online (from Cornell). And I've been helping my friends in Kauai with their garden.
The books have transformed my life in so many ways and I'm fully committed to our vision of creating a Kin's Domain. Looking forward to connecting with more readers and sharing the resources I have found so far.
Re: Aloha from Hawaii!
Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 9:28 pm
by :Joyce-M:
Greetings Lauren,
Your story is a beautiful one. Two communities that I know of have been tried in Hawaii, both on the big island. One failed several years ago but I'm not sure of the details. The other was in the way of the volcano's lava eruption. If you could find any of the people involved in one of those they could probably share how they worked around the local zoning and building regulations. If I can remember one of the names I'll send it to you in a private message.
Re: Aloha from Hawaii!
Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 10:02 pm
by GabrielMiguel
Hey Lauren,
Thanks for joining us here. Best of luck to you and your fiance on the search for land in Hawaii. And what a reaction from his mother when she received the book! Lol, definitely the dream reaction we wish everyone would have.
I have been in contact via facebook with Jeffery Gratton and Zac Harris who are developing a Kin's Domain community on Big Island's Hamakua Coast (away from the lava!).
My fiance's mother also said "Anastasia is the female Christ walking the Earth today!" She's great, a true original hippie!
Re: Aloha from Hawaii!
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:19 pm
by Gwendolyn
Hi Lauren,
Your future mother~in~law sounds great! May all go well for your new family as you launch your beautiful new life. There's a community in Hawaii called Polestar that Gabriel alluded to, I believe, in his response to you, above. It's called Polestar. It was hit hard in the last big eruption of the volcano there. It's recovering all the same, although I hear that many of the people who were living there are now relocating to Colorado. You can see a little about the recovery from this youtube from December 2019: Polestar is a Yogananda community. Members are following the teachings of the late Yogananda, who's best known for his classic Autobiography of a Yogi. Yogananda was very important in bringing meditation from India to the western world. For a brief time, I lived in another Yogananda community in California. There's much blessing in living together, especially in being able to meditate together! and there's also challenges that come, especially when there are people trying to enforce ideas about things like sexuality on each other, based on the religious concepts they are following. While a wholly spiritual being myself, I'm not interested in living in a religious community again, as I believe freedom to choose what we do and believe is essential and cannot be reduced to a contract among people. I do feel that Anastasia's teachings are the teachings of a feminine Christ and I believe in time we will see her visions come to pass into reality, not only in Russia but even here in the "wild west" of the US, currently so completely seemingly insane but definitely in an upgrading process currently. Next year will show more of the fruits of our lightworkers' labors, for sure!
Re: Aloha from Hawaii!
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:26 pm
by DanJCuzzo
Hi Lauren, I saw a connection when I responded to a similar (or shortened version of this story) on Anastasia USA's Facebook group.
My heart is beating faster as I'm in the garden of my family home enjoying the nice summer weather.
Kauai has told me it wants me back. I have been to Maui many times but Kauai just once.
Seeing as I haven't written my introduction yet, I'll leave it at that. But I wish you and your family well in your endeavors.