
Search found 72 matches

To change political structure we must understand it's nature.

Gabriel wrote this about politics related to our kins domain dreams, "This is such an important topic that I felt it was necessary to dedicate an entire forum to it. Land rights, the Family Party, and legislation for the allotment of a hectare of land for every family (plus laws supporting the ...

Cleaning the modern "system" from our thinking at Charisma

Our first five years here at Charisma were more about UNlearning than physically building our dream. We UNlearned so many beliefs and hard-earned knowledge that we brought with us and used to plan our life here. I'd say that at least 60-70% of our preparations, plans and what we thought we knew, had...

Re: Biogeometry and a Cohesive Regenerative Balanced Integrative HAPPY Future

Greetings Meg, Your points are well made and articulate what many feel or will feel. I've reviewed the biogeometry concept at your suggestion and am glad I did. I appreciate your ideas of using it as a bridge from our techno destructive lifestyles to lifestyles in harmony with all life (nature), par...

Re: What does Anastasia say about this Covid-19 thing?

I enjoyed this May message and personally found nothing in Vladimir's words that I could identify as sad or blockheaded. He is sharing his learning curve which we are all going thru. He openly shared his negative thoughts of three years ago, then showed that he had been proven wrong to doubt the pow...

Charisma, Colorado: Building our domain and community

I placed this first post in a different topic as a response because I didn't know how to start a new topic. For the sake of continuity I've copied and pasted it here and will delete it there when I get the time to figure that out. So if you think you've seen it twice that's why. The main topic of th...

Re: What does Anastasia say about this Covid-19 thing?

So many things Anastasia taught and demonstrated could serve us well in our comprehension of the Covid19 event. I thought about posting all that came to mind but decided that one stands out as dominant in my mind. In book 1, page 177 (black cover edition) she talks of her race with the dark forces a...

Re: Article: "Thoughts About our Kin’s Domain After Moving from the City to Land 1 Year Ago" | Anna Heidebrecht

Well, she did add that opening paragraph in 2020 (article originally written in 2017), and it doesn't seem like her opinion changed much. Greetings readers, Yes, Gabriel, you are right, of course but there is much we don't know about this woman's daily domain building experience, particularly quest...

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